Chapter 9: Answer.

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Like I said, this chapter will be in Y/N's point of view until said other wise.

"Lisa? What are you doing here? What am I doing here? Shouldn't we be in school?"
I asked as soon as I realised NamJoon and I switched back to our own bodies and I was in my room.
"Y/N? Is that you?"
Lisa asked as she looked up from her phone at me.
"Yes it is... But why aren't we in school?"
I quizzed again.
She sighed and looked sad.
"When NamJoon was in your body, our History professor tried to, to,"
"To what?"
I interrupted.
"He tried to rape you Y/N."
I choked on the lump now in my throat. He what? To NamJoon? In my body? Rape is not something I would wish on my worst enemy. Let alone for it to happen to my soul mate because he was in my body... I have to apologize as soon as he reaches out to me. Fuck. This is fucked. It seems like I'm saying that to often in just this day.
"Who all knows about it?"
I asked Lisa again.
"After the scream, a few boys ran into the room as well and the police were called. So basically the whole school knows... The cops might end up calling your parents so just be prepared for that. Don't lie to them Y/N. Tell them the whole truth. About your soul mate and everything."
She said looking me dead in the eye seeming to read my mind and telling me to do the exact opposite of what I wanted.
"Jeez ok mom."
I said sarcastically trying to brighten the mood.
"I can stay if you need me but if not I should get back to class. Test week."
She said rolling her eyes.
I laughed and waved her off.
"Take my car since I'm pretty sure you took it here and just pick me up for school tomorrow... Don't forget to drop Rosé off as well."
I said as she stood up and collected her things along with my spare car key.
"Bye babe, and happy birthday... See us later!"
She said as she left my room and I watched her leave my house, get in my car, and leave.

Not too much later both my parents came home early.
"Oh my god honey are you ok?"
"Tell me who it was and I'll break them! I swear no one ever touches my daughter and gets away with it!"
They said running to my room I was currently occupying.
Once they got there and opened the door, my mom ran up to me and hugged me. My dad doing the same I told them to sit down so I could explain. I guess the cops did tell my parents.
"Mom, dad, relax it wasn't even me... Kind of. I was switched with my soul mate when it happend so I don't really know what happened myself... All I know is that it was my history professor. I wish it would have been me though. Poor NamJoon."
I said hugging them again.
"Let's just not talk about it and forget it ever happened. Please?"
My parents nodded and soon my mom was beaming like a light.
"Is he cute? Did you get his number? Does he speak English? Where does he live? How old is he? Wh-"
I interrupted her.
"First of all yes. Yes, yes, Seoul South Korea, 25. And the cherry on top of the cake is that he is famous."
I said grabbing the BE album from my bed and showing them a picture of NamJoon.
"Holy shit! He is cute! And he is from BTS? You really hit the jackpot sweetie."
My mom said.
"If he hurts you- just tell me."
My dad said after my mom.
"Thanks guys."
I said hugging my parents. "Ready for your party?" My mom asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be."
I scoffed and got up to help my mom decorate the house for the party. I wasn't really a party type of girl. But seeing the alcohol on the table I realised that I was finally legal and allowed to drink without going to jail. However, that didn't really ever stop me before. Always stealing a sip or two of my parents drinks when they weren't looking.
"How many people did you invite?"
I asked, putting the streamers up.
"I did as you asked and only invited Rosé, Lisa, Owen, Jax, Chris and his wife. Plus your grandparents."
She said smiling.
"Wait they're coming?"
I asked as I immediately turned to look at her.
"Yup! They took a few days off from school! And Chris already lives here so."
"Best birthday ever!"
I said running up to hug my mom.

Just as we finished decorating, Lisa and Rosé knocked on the door. I hugged them and told all about my brothers coming. They have never met them and I kinda ship Owen and Rosé so I'm excited for them to meet. Knocking was heard again and this time it was my grandparents.
"Awwww, look at my grandchild! Already 21 and so beautiful!"
My grandma said pulling me into a hug as my grandpa did the same. I helped walk them to the table to sit down and chat with my parents waiting with Lisa and Rosé for my brothers to arrive.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Sprinting to the door, I opened it to see them.
Jax on the right. Chris on the left and Owen in the middle holding whiskey. They all pulled me into a group hug and I started crying. I missed them so much it wasn't normal. My relationship with them wasn't the best, fights every other day. But in the end we always had each other's back. Always. And no matter what happened we were always going to be best friends.
I pulled away and Chris spoke as Jax wiped my tears.
"Don't cry sis! We missed you so much."
He said and I noticed they all got teary eyed as well.
"Oh yeah!" I pulled them into the house.
"Guys these are my friends. Lisa and Rosé."
I said seeing Owen blush and look at Rosé as she did the same. I winked at them and took the whiskey from Owens hands pouring myself a drink. Slightly touched that they remembered when I told them my favorite alcoholic beverage that I had snuck from my parents was whiskey.

The night went well. Chris's wife showed up later due to work and we talked and drank. Chris and his wife crashed here because they were drunk and couldn't even tell me what 30+24 was. Jax and Owen were staying here regardless because they didn't have a place to stay. And Lisa and Rosé went home, sober because they were underage.
Just as I was about to go to bed I saw a text from an unknown number saying
"Hi cutie."
I chuckled before answering.

I hope you like this chapter!

                           From the  
                                     (:3 っ)っ

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