Chapter 18: Sight seeing

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This chapter will be in Y/N's point of view.

I woke up and felt something hard under my head. Why was it not my squishy pillow? I moved my arms around to try to find it but I instead found a sleeping NamJoon. Shit. I completely forgot he was here. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 7:28. Great. I got up and took a picture of his sleeping figure.
"Cute." I mumbled making my way downstairs. I decided to make NamJoon breakfast in bed so I took out a pan, bacon, eggs, bread and my all time favorite, cinnamon and sugar. As I was cooking, I was thinking. It would be awkward for NamJoon and my parents right? I know I would be a bit uncomfortable. So I decided, to wake up my brothers.
"Guys wake up."
I said shaking them both.
"What do you want?"
Owen asked rubbing his eyes.
"I need your help with something. So, NamJoon is staying with me for the week, and I was thinking that it would be awkward for him, mom, and dad."
I said now fidgeting with my thumbs.
"Get to the point." Jax said.
"Basically, can you help me get mom and dad out of the house for a week. All I need help with is money. I'll handle the rest."
I said looking up at them giving them pleading eyes.
"What's in it for us?"
They both said in unision.
"Well, I'll get you a date with Rosé, and for Jax, I can get an autograph from all of the members."
I said.
They both yelled.
I giggled and hugged them saying thank you and got to work. Coming to the conclusion that this could take a minute, I turned off the stove and put the already cooked bacon on a plate in the microwave.

I got out my laptop and messaged both my parents' boss' and asked them to let my parents have time off. To my surprise, they both got back to me saying that it was ok. Then I booked the flights and booked a hotel room. Congrats. My parents are going to Fiji.
Then I went to the living room and grabbed my brothers, telling them the plan. My parents' anniversary is in 2 days, this is a gift from their kids for their anniversary. Now that's perfect timing if I ever saw any. We headed to their room and woke them up.
"Mom, dad. We have a surprise for you! You're going to Fiji! Don't worry about anything other than packing. I got everything taken care of, work, plane, and hotel! Might want to hurry though, plane leaves in 2 hours."
I said grabbing my brothers' hands and running out of the room. 20 minutes later and my parents were down stairs packed and ready to go.
"Thank you guys. But what is this for?"
My mom asked.
"It's an anniversary gift from us! Jax will drive you to the airport. Have fun! Love you."
I said hugging them as Jax glared at me, giving me the "this wasn't part of the deal" face he always makes.
"We love you too honey. See you guys soon!"
They said stepping out of the door along with Jax.

Now that that's settled, let's finish making NamJoons breakfast. I cooked the eggs and toasted the toast. I put everything on the plate and started walking back to my room.

"Is that for me?"
He asked. I took a bite of the bacon and said nope getting on the bed.
"Just kidding."
I handed him the plate and cuddled him before saying,
"Get ready, we have a whole day ahead of us!"
I said leaving the room after getting my clothes for the day.
I went down stairs and saw that Jax was back.
"We are going to go sight seeing, so don't trash the house while I'm gone!"
I said getting into the bathroom and changing into my clothes.

I really like this outfit

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I really like this outfit. I should wear it more often, I thought as I headed out of the bathroom.

When I got back to the living room, I heard Owen talking to NamJoon.
"You weren't supposed to tell him what we're doing today!"
I said walking towards him and smacking the back of his head. He began chasing me around the house until Jax told us to knock it off. I grabbed NamJoons hand and dragged him out the door and to my car. When we got there, I finally had a chance to look at him properly.


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Wow. So handsome.
"You look pretty Y/N."
He said getting into the passenger seat.
"Thank you. You look handsome as well!"
I said pulling out of the driveway.

We pulled up to Starbucks to order our drinks.
"What would you like babe?"
I asked him looking towards him before pulling into the drive through.
"I'll have an Iced Americano please."
He said smiling at me. I smiled back before ordering.
"Hi, can I get an Iced Americano and a frozen hot chocolate please?"
I said into the speaker thingy.
"Sure! Is that all?"
The worker said.
"Yes, that's all, thank you."
I replied.
"Ok! That'll be 12.50 at the window."
He said and I pulled towards the window. I looked over to NamJoon and saw he had put his mask back up and lowered his hat aswell, and he looked out of the window.
"Ah, I'm sorry. I should have thought about it. I'm sorry you have to hide in public."
I said looking at my lap.
"N-no! It's ok! I'm used to it by now. Nothing new. And it's not your fault either."
He said leaning in and kissing my cheek. I giggled as he was still wearing a mask and the kiss wasn't really a kiss.
The worker opened the window and handed me the drinks.
"Here you are! I wrote my number on the drink carrier. Call me!"
He said.
"Sorry, but I have a boyfriend."
I replied. Smiling to to him.
"That's ok. He doesn't have to know."
The worker said again winking at me.
"S-sorry, but I still have a boyfriend. And cheating is wrong. Also, he is right here."
I said pointing at NamJoon.
He was already looking at the worker giving him a glare that could kill. The worker closed the window after saying a small "Whatever, call me when you guys break up."
I drove off grabbing NamJoons hand and holding in in mine against the shift. NamJoon grabbed a marker and scribbled over the phone number.
I giggled.
"Where did you get a marker?"
I asked looking at him for a second before focusing my gaze back on the road.
He just shrugged, before grabbing my drink.
"Well? Do you like it?"
I asked as I watched him try it.
"It's actually pretty good! Do you not like coffee?"
He replied handing it to me.
"Not normally. But coffee makes my insomnia worse, so I stick to non cafinated drinks more times than not."
I replied taking a sip of my drink.
"Oh. You have insomnia?"
"Yeah... I've had it since he-" I stopped taking a breath. "I've had it for a while. But yesterday I got a bunch of sleep! Maybe you have magic powers" I wiggled my eyebrows as I looked at him through the mirror. He had a look on his face that was sad. He kept opening his mouth to say something but closed it right after. After a minute or so he finally said something.
"Hey, you don't have to, but you can talk to me. About anything. I won't judge and I would like to get to know you better. Scars, stars, your whole galaxy."
He gave my hand a squeeze.
"Thank you. And I will. Just not right now. It's a bit too soon. Mason- I mean, he, was just not the best. And he hurt me a lot. Just give me some time. I promise to show you my scars, stars, and my whole galaxy."
I said, a single tear streaming down my face, which was quickly wiped off by my soul mate. I smiled and parked the car. I got out and gave him a hug before taking his hand again.
"Welcome to the Columbia River Gorge waterfalls NamJoon!"

Hope you like it!

(:3 っ)っ

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