Chapter 21: War

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Y/N point of view

He. Put. His. Hand. On. My. Thigh. Do you understand what is happening right now?! This- this- this is- this is Blasfamy! I'm sure my face was beet red by now. And I'm also sure he noticed it because when he turned to look at me, he chuckled and gave my thigh a little squeeze making me blush even more. He stayed like that for the rest of the drive just rubbing light circles on my thigh with his thumb.

Once we made it back to my house, he removed his hand and smiled at me before taking the food out of my lap and coming to my side and opening the door for me. Such chivalry. I thanked him and while still blushing, walked to the front door and unlocked it. There they were. My brothers looking furious. When I saw them awake I couldn't help but burst out laughing. I looked over to NamJoon and he was trying his hardest to not laugh as well.
"Chill out. We got you guys dinner."
I said taking the bag of food from NamJoon and making my way towards the table. I grabbed mine and NamJoons food and then I grabbed NamJoon, and started walking upstairs.
"Unless your awake by like 9:00 then you won't see me. I move into my apartment tomorrow."
I said to my brothers before making it into my room. I locked the door because my brothers always retaliate and I don't need that right now. I walked over to my bed and sat down. I patted the spot next to me and NamJoon sat down as well.
I handed him the remote telling him to turn something on. While he was doing that, I got our food out and got forks. Then I looked up.

The conjuring.

Does he think this will scare me? Ah. Maybe he wants it to be like the movies. Girl gets scared and uses boy for protection. I'll play into his game. Even though I have seen this movie quite a few times.

NamJoon said taking his fork and getting some of the chicken on his plate. Then he held it out for me. I took a bite and was pleasantly surprised.
"Woah! That's really good! Do you want to try mine?"
I asked getting some of my food on the fork and holding it out for him to try. He did.
"That's good too! But mine is better!"
He said laughing. I moved my food away from me and he did the same.
"Excuse me? Obviously mine is better!"
I said.
"Hmmm. Nope! Mine is better!"
He replied.
"You little shitlin."
I said before tackling him.

He ended up on top of me and his gaze was going from my eyes to my lips as I did the same. He slowly started moving closer and we both slowly started closing our eyes.

Knock knock knock.

"Hey sis, I'll take your trash if you want."
"You mother fucker. Just you wait Owen. I'm going to cock block you when you're with Rosé. Just you fucking wait."
I said under my breath Climbing out from under NamJoon and I think he heard me because he started laughing.
"Ok! Hang on just a second Owen!"
I said.
"Ok, here's the thing. You're gonna want to get behind me."
I said to NamJoon in a hushed voiced.  He gave me the "why" face.
"My brothers aren't this nice, they have something planned. Lucky for us however, I'm always prepared."
He nodded and got behind me, while I went and grabbed the silly string from my hiding place. I gave one can to NamJoon and held the other.
"Here. For protection."
I said and opened the door, but making sure to stay behind it, using it as my shield. I was correct. Owen and Jax were right there. And as soon as the door opened, two pies were thrown through the doorway.
I said shaking the silly string can and jumping out from behind the door and spraying them. NamJoon did the same and my brothers started running away... So we did the only rational thing. We chased them around the house spraying them until we ran out of things to spray. Once we eventually did, we had obviously won and my brothers were out of breath.
I gave NamJoon a high five and announced our victory.
"As winner of this little war, I declare you clean up the pie and silly string, and after that, leave my boyfriend and I alone."
I said smugly smiling at the two boys.
"Chop chop! We all know what happens if you disobey the victor."
I said and they both got up and started cleaning.
"What happens if they disobey?"
NamJoon asked.
"Oh nothing too bad. We just made a mutual agreement when we were like 8 that the winner gets to choose a task for the loosers and if they disobey, then the winner gets to go through the others room and we later added phone as well. None of us like it because, well, everyone has something to hide."
I said taking his hand and going back upstairs.
We layed on the bed but left the door open so my brothers could clean. We continued watching the movie and I hugged his side and layed my head on his chest. A few minutes later, the boys came in and cleaned the pie off of my floor, and left. I got up and closed and locked the door. Then I went back to the same position I was in a second ago.

Time to put my plan into action. The scary parts of the movie were coming up and everytime there was a jump scare, I hugged NamJoon tighter and closed my eyes. He hugged me tighter as well propably trying to reassure me that nothing bad was going to happen. Eventually  I fell asleep. Just laying and hugging him and vice versa.

Hope you you like it!

                                       (:3 っ)っ

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