Chapter 38: Future Left to Be

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The two miscreants slouched in opposite chairs, sporting split lips and matching glowers.

One was a Southie girl who Doctor Ivogg introduced as Razalu. A stripy shirt bulged over her belly and pudgy arms crossed at her chest. Dark hair spiraled over her head like a fern, and her green eyes blazed.

The other child, Ivogg did not need to introduce.

My mind was still ruminating over Nezuli's affliction, but with great effort, I centered my focus on the children before me. Purple spots hardly proved any nefarious scheme. I would still keep an eye out for more signs of danger, but I couldn't let fear and obsession over what could happen stand in the way of hope and progress.

I leaned forward in my chair and flipped out an awkward hand. "Alright, so... how did this start?"

"She called me fat," Razalu spat.

Fennikk clenched both armrests and twisted toward me. "I did not! I asked how her dad could afford to feed her so much. And then she called my mom lazy and stupid."

Razalu rolled her head back and groaned. "Not true. I just wanted to know why she didn't feed you properly... or save your arm."

"Whatever. I didn't need a second arm to punch you."

"Didn't hurt that much."

"You cried like a little boy."

"But I punched you back harder."

I clucked my tongue. "Hey, anyone can punch. That's nothing to be proud of. What takes skill is moving past that. Fennikk, I thought you wanted to play with the Southie kids."

Fennikk's shoulders slumped. "Yeah, but they wouldn't let me."

Razalu snorted. "You never even tried to talk to us. You were just pouting on that bench."

"I was watching because I wanted to play, obviously. But nobody invited me."

The Southie girl's sneer faded, but her voice remained hard. "Then why didn't you come talk to us?"

"I did! And you punched me."

"After you punched me."

I raised a palm to cut off the next retort. "It sounds like this was a misunderstanding. You know what I like to do after a misunderstanding?

"Drink away your misery?" Razalu suggested brightly.

I blinked at the small girl. "Uh... how old are you?"

Fennikk scoffed. "He doesn't drink. He just plays with Fluffy. Right, Mister Zafaru?"

"Actually, I like to explain my side and listen to their side. And then I tell them one thing I like about them."

Fennikk crossed one ankle over the other. "Well, I would do it, but Razalu won't."

"Will too," said Razalu.

"Oh, yeah? Then what..." Fennikk averted her eyes and dropped her voice. "What do you like about me?"

Razalu twisted her hands together on her lap. "Well... your bionic arm is super cool." A nervous half-laugh quickly stifled. "Like, it's actually the coolest thing ever."

Fennikk's eyes widened, and she straightened, fighting a smile.

"Your turn, Fennikk," I said. "What do you like about Razalu?"

She covered her mouth and mumbled something into her hand.

Razalu leaned closer. "What did you say?"

Fennikk dropped her hand and peered up at Razalu from under her eyelashes. "I said..." A bare whisper. "You're beautiful."

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