Chapter - 5

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I called Ishu and warned her against the odds. I couldn't risk the pack discovering her habitation if anyone were following me. I went straight towards the forest to spend some time alone. That's my usual retreat, the forest. The werewolves won't come to this part as it's too close to the city. Even if someone does come looking for me, I'll sense them beforehand.

Thanks to the Catalogue, and a few secret practice sessions, I am now capable of using most of my vampiric abilities efficiently in just 3 days time. Once I knew the abilities I possessed, using them came naturally to me.

It's been 12 hours since I left the pack house and no search party so far. It's not the first night I am spending outside the pack house. Aunt trusts me to come back anyway, still she always sends someone with me or behind me eventually whenever I am far from pack premises.

It's quite serene here in the forest, especially at night. The stars above decorate the dark bluish night sky like a party was being held every night.

I walked the grassy, dirty path in search of a place to camp. Not exactly the bonfire like camp, but a plain rock or branch I could use as a temporary bed. I hated sleeping on the grounds although it's an awesome feeling to sleep under the starry sky.

I have been to this forest once before when we moved in to inspect the area. From what I remember of that tour, there ought to be a cave further in somewhere near a clearing.

After a few more minutes of walking in leisure, I spotted a thick branch high above on a thick and tall tree. The branch seemed a good enough place to camp though. And just for the record I prefer sleeping in a humanly posture than upside down like a bat.

As I took a step forward, the branch that could have become an amazing bed, fell on the ground with a loud thud, smashing into pieces.

Wondering what caused such healthy branch to fall off an even healthier tree, I activated my newly discovered dhampiric senses. Only they were of no use because the reason was splayed out beside the broken branch itself.

A middle aged man in black hooded robe lay on the dusty ground, face down.

Instinctively, I backed away and hid behind the bushes beside me for safety reasons.

The man stood up as a flash of lightening. He started to make a run in the opposite direction only to be stopped by another man, who was dressed like a 1920s British official, with slick black hair, a recently tanned skintone and big, wide symmetrical bat wings.

I concentrated on his eyes to see what kind of creature he was and met with a pair of red irises. No doubt he was a vampire by the shiny white fangs showing off from his slightly dull upper lips.

But then what with the wings? Was he a mixbreed, half vampire, half bird shifter?

He lunged at the man standing in front of him at a vampiric speed the same one with which the other one ran away. But nonetheless, he was captured by the winged vampire a couple of meters away.

"Let me go. It wasn't my fault that your little girl loved a mortal more than her own family. You can't punish me for her choice." The victim interrupted an incoming punch meant to hit his pointy nose, a clawed punch.

"Shut up you filthy creature. You're a traitor, you betrayed me for mere sake of revenge. The only apology you will receive from me is death." The batman said resuming his assault.

The victim's hood tore open, revealing rough, neck length auburn hair, a relatively fair complexion than the assailant, same red eyes and fangs and a thick inch long beard the same colour as his hairs.

"You may keep blaming me. But you can't kill me. Not until I let you." The victim vampire spoke with the static smugness on his face. He was seemingly unaffected by the hard punches and kicks of Batman.

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