Chapter - 8

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I walked backwards. Taking Riya's hand in mine, I reached the edge of the window. Sim inched closer in a hunting stance. She aimed at Riya.

"You bloody troublemaker. I warned you to keep your mouth shut." She changed into her wolf form, a white wolf with black spots. With a high pitched howl, she lunged at Riya.

I backflipped, jumping out of the window with Riya. She closed her eyes in fear of a deadly impact, only to land safely on the ground by a flying half vampire.

"What the actual heck is that!" Riya pressed her palms above her mouth in surprise. "You never mentioned having wings?"

"Long story. Go alert others." I told her.

She took off immediately, with a fascination on her eyes for my wings.

I flew in from another window and immediately closed the office door with Sim-wolf inside it. Then I flew out and closed the window of Sim's office forcing her in for a while.

By the time you come out, we'll be gone.

But to my utter surprise, her howl had alerted the other rogues.

As I stepped into the hall, everyone had shifted into their wolf forms, including Deep. Half of the pack lunged at me at once.

For a moment it was too much to believe. knowing that they hate me and watching them actually prepared to shred me apart were two different things. I tried to take off, but failed miserably, only to land on the ground from 50 feet above the floor.

A howl came from afar, Arnav in his wolf form came crashing at the rogue about to claw out my heart.

I immediately sped out of the place and took off, flying up in the air. Arnav had become the target now. I flew towards him and picked him up in my arms, breaking out of one of the glass sealed windows.

Up above, the wolf in my hands gave me an annoyed growl. I landed him on the back exit where only my friends stood. Touching the ground, Arnav transformed back to his human form.

"Don't tell me becoming their dinner was part of your plan. What about vampire speed?" Arnav asked.

"I was trying to fly out but couldn't. It's the new wings, takes time to adjust." That's when everyone's eyes shifted towards the two black coloured bat wings gracing my body.

"When did that happen?" Tanmay roared in surprise.

"You look hotter with them." Sweety rasped in reaction to which Arnav gave out a possessive growl.

Sometimes I wonder if Arnav and Sweety are mates? But if that was the case, both of them would have known by now as the catalogue says wolves can recognize their mates after their first shift.

"How come you have wings? Only pureblood vampires have wings unless you are part bird shifter." Riya gave out the most unexpected response.

I tend to forget she grew up learning about other supernatural species unlike me.

"Later. Are we clear? Rogues are out for our blood. Did they found the trucks?" I asked.

"Not yet. As soon as a few wolves went after those trucks, Ishani and her father changed their location to a much farther point. By that time, all passengers were inside the vehicles. Tanmay and I disabled the thermal scanners and all other devices. Now only we are left." Arnav described.

"You all go. I need a few words with aunty dearest." I said and marched out.

"Stop there, Ashish. Ishani has called the cops. I handed her the hard copies I found. It's settled. We need to leave now, including you, if you aren't planning to join them in prison." Riya screamed at me.

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