Chapter 1

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* Semi edited.

"Honey, time to wake up!" My mom yelled.

I crack my eyes open and reach for my phone, like most people I check my phone as soon as I wake up.

After scrolling through social media for a few minutes, I get out of bed and go downstairs to eat some breakfast.

"Good morning" I said to my parents.

"Good morning honey" Mom said.

"Morning pumpkin" Dad said.

I go grab some waffles and put them in the fridge, then grab the syrup and a bottle of water.

"Yesterday we got to meet the new neighbors across the street, very nice people and they have a son your age, seemed like a nice young man and he was very handsome" Mom said almost making me choke on my breakfast.

"Mommm" I whined.

"What... You guys could hit it off, he also likes basketball" She said.

Unfortunately what my mom doesn't realize is that, guys don't want to date me. It's not like I'm ugly or anything, but I have no boobs or butt and I'm a virgin, guys definitely don't want me because of that

I mean I'm only 15, my birthday is in a few days, and I've tried to date a little this year, but guys want girls who are developed and experienced, so I turn down any opportunity for dating because I know how it'll go.

After breakfast I go to brush my teeth and get changed. After I'm ready I put on my converse and meet my mom in the car.

With my birthday in a few days, I'll finally be able to drive myself to school as long as I pass my driver's test.

When I get to school I go to my locker and grab my books for first period.

As I'm walking to first period, I see a guy I haven't seen before.

I wonder if he's the neighbor my mom was talking about.

If it's the same person my mom was talking about then damn she was right because this guy is hot. He has quaffed medium brown hair and baby blue eyes that I can see from where I'm standing.

He's the type of guy that gives you butterflies by looking at him because he's so attractive. Totally out of my league and pretty much perfect for Megan, so if he's going here it probably won't be long until she gets her claws into him.

After a few seconds of checking him out, I stop and walk to class.

Unfortunately I have to walk past him to get to my class, so I keep my head down and walk as fast as I can.

When I get a few feet away from him he locks eyes with me and I get crazy butterflies.

I don't want to say it's love at first sight, but I feel a weird sensation in my body when I lock on with his baby blues.

He smiles at me and I swear I melt into a puddle.

"Hey can you tell me where the main office is?" He asked in a deep voice.

He wants me to direct him to the main office? Yeah I think I can do that without making a fool of myself.

"Ye-Yeah it's down the hall to your right" I said pointing to the door down the hallway.

He smiled at me again. "Thanks" He said walking in that direction.

When he's out of sight I take a deep breath.

I hope I don't have any classes with him because I'll totally make a fool of myself like I just did stuttering, when I told him where to go.

The day goes by quick and after that interaction, I hadn't seen that guy again, but I have a feeling I'll be seeing him a lot because he's most likely my new neighbor.

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