Chapter 3

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*Hey wanted to let you know there's a slight Teen wolf spoiler if you haven't seen the show, also you will see a lot of America football terms, not an expert, but I know a decent amount about the sport.

After Josh and Megan broke up we still hung out, but it became less and less because she got a new boyfriend and he didn't like that she would be around her ex since sometimes Josh would hangout with us, so I didn't really see her that much besides here or there. Her new boyfriend is really insecure and controlling, I just hope she realizes it soon and dumps his ass.

Josh wanted me to go with him to get his ears pierced before football started, and like the good friend I am, of course I told him I'd go with him.

"Am I going to have to hold your hand?" I teased sitting in the chair next to him.

"Shut up" He said gently shoving my shoulder.

He didn't have to hold my hand, but he did wince when the first needle went in. Once he's all done, Josh gets up and goes to the mirror on the wall to see how it looks.

"Damn I look good" He said with a smirk, continuing to check himself out.

He turns around to show me and I knew it would look good, but I didn't know it was that good.

Like damn he looks even hotter with the pierced ears.

"Not gonna lie you really do look good" I said with a smile, but also trying not to blush.

Luckily he turned back to the mirror to check himself out some more, so he couldn't see me blushing. He had a backwards white snapback on, and the pierced ears completed the look.

Once we payed, we left to go get some lunch at Checkers, we're both obsessed with their loaded fries.

After lunch, we decided to do some back to school shopping since we go back to school in 2 months. We hit up Aeropostale, Hollister, Garage, Dicks and Zumiez. We got a decent amount of clothes.

I was really hoping to get a new pair of shoes since my Converses we getting holes in them.

I almost gave up until we were walking past the Vans store and I noticed a really cute pair of vans on the display rack.

Anybody who knows me knows that I have an obsession with sneakers.

"Those are nice. Are you going to get them?" He asked.

"Yeah I think I am, why don't you look around?"

"They do have a lot of cool shoes, but I like the shoes that I got" He said.

He's been talking about these white high top shoes for the past month and he finally found them at Zumiez.

After leaving Vans with my new shoes, we decided that it was time to head home since we were tired from shopping all afternoon.

On the way home we were talking about how we were excited for sophomore year, since we're no longer the fresh meat and the pressure is off.

Josh is really excited about football and he's going to be the starting quarterback for the varsity team. Apparently he beat out 3 seniors for the spot, so he must be really good.

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