Chapter 6

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*Hey guys, just warning you it's a long chapter.

The day is finally here, first day of senior year. After the incident with Josh and I after prom, everything went back to normal. I tried to keep everything the way it was, but when he'd make a crude joke or flirt with me, I'd blush like crazy.

Luckily school ended and I had the summer camp with escape to instead of dealing with what happened with Josh. I know it seems stupid, like it's not a big deal, but it's a big deal to me because whenever he's close or flirting with me, all I can think about is him touching me.

Since I've been back for the past week I haven't seen him because he just got back from a trip last night with some friends, so he said we'll catch up at school.

When I get to school I see him leaning up against his car waiting for me. Since he can't really see me looking at him because of the sunglasses I'm wearing, I take the opportunity to freely check him out. 

Wow he changed over the summer. He grew facial hair and damn does he look sexy with it.

Besides that the other thing that's different about him is his body, he's more muscular than the last time I saw him. His shoulders fill out the t shirt he's wearing and the sleeves stretch across his biceps.

Damn he's even more drool worthy than he was before.

When I get out of the car he immediately comes over to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Man did I miss you again this summer" He said. 

"I know, I missed you too. When did this happen?" I said pointing to his scruff.

"I grew it over the summer, it was Megan's idea actually" He said suprising me.

"Oh you're hanging out with Megan again?"

"Yeah, she was also on the trip I went on. We got talking and realized there was still something between us, so we're back together" He said.

"Wow that's great" I said even though I felt my stomach drop.

"I hope it's ok, but I'm waiting for Megan to to get here, so we can walk to our class together" He said.

Ah...I see how it's gonna be now. Well our friendship was good while it lasted.


Originally I thought that with Megan and Josh being together that I wouldn't see much of him or that I'd be the third wheel constantly, but I was wrong about that.

They made it their mission to make me not feel like the third wheel and I still hung out with Josh one on one also including sleepovers, I obviously didn't cuddle with him or slept in the same bed, it would be disrespectful of me if I did.

Megan became friends again, but not as close as we were, probably because I'm best friends with her boyfriend.

We went to every single football game together, cheering him on, but I had to deal with her being the one he's excited to see after each game and her wearing his jersey, that was a tough pill to swallow.

Now seeing him with someone basically in my face everyday, is not helping with my feelings. Everytime they kiss or show any affection towards each other feelings like my heart is breaking off piece by piece.

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