Chapter-5: The Trust

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Beam POV:

I know what he is thinking. How is that even possible, really I don't even know how they do it, I know my parents trusted them and they betrayed my parents for money, they are just greedy people.

"I know what you are thinking, and it's just my uncle betrayed my father, his brother, believe me, or not he took everything from my father," I said.

I still don't know if P'Forth will believe me or not, he is also a rich businessman, maybe this is just a normal...No. I don't want to think like this, I don't want to believe P'Forth is like my uncle.

"Well I know about the new owner of the company, and some fishy business is going on. We also have a partnership with them which was established when your father was the owner, and he was a great man... But now the stocks are going down, and profits are going down now that there is a new owner," He said. He looks like he is thinking of something.

"I am sorry Beam, I didn't know any of this." P'Forth continued.

"No no, no one knows about that. Everyone thinks that I am just a spoiled kid that my father didn't want, but I know he loved me, and raised me well," I said with a smile," I miss them. I really miss them.

Suddenly P'Forth hugged me, "it's okay." he said.

I hugged him back and leaned my head to his chest, I felt comfortable and warm in his arms.

He is such a warm person, I feel like I can trust him, he is one person I started to trust after everything happened to me, I lost faith in love and trust, but the way P'Forth treats me, makes me want to trust him.

But I don't know, my life is such a mess, people from my blood don't want me, they abandoned me, they betrayed my father, they took everything from him. I can't trust anyone. I don't know how to.

"Thank you P'Forth" I whispered.

"You don't have to say thank you to me, I have not done anything. But I will, I will help you. Don't worry I am with you. okay. " P'Forth said still hugging me.

"It's okay you know, you don't have to help me, you have been helping me a lot, this is fine I am okay like this," I said to him, I don't want him to be in trouble because of me.

" No, they are traitors and they need to be punished. Beam look at me" he said while grabbing my shoulder and looking me in the eye "you don't deserve this, you deserve a life that your parents wanted you to have, and your uncle is not a nice person, not just because he betrayed your father, I know that he did more crimes, he should be punished, he is misusing his power and take money from the helpless patients from the hospital, the people who are coming to the hospital are suffering. And it's the hospital your father built. They can't ruin the reputation of the great man" he said.

I know, everything they have done is unfair, my father built the hospital to help people, and I don't want my uncle to tint want my father built. He only wanted to help others and now my uncle is misusing it? I can't let that happen, but I didn't know what to do, I do not know the business world, I am just a broke college dropout. I don't know what to do. But I felt warm when P'Forth said he would help me. Will he help me? I felt like crying, it had been a long time since I cried, I feel overwhelmed, why is P'Forth doing this? Why is he being nice?

"Hey Beam, it's okay, don't be sad, it's okay, we will solve this together," P'Forth said and hugged me again, I felt a teardrop from my eyes. I felt warm in his arms. Thank you P', I wanted to say something, but I couldn't find my voice, so I just hugged him tighter.

Forth POV:

I don't know how people can do this? I want to protect him from everything and everyone. I don't want him to ever suffer. I want to protect him with my life.

"Come on, let's continue eating, I don't want the food to get colder, it's a bit cold already anyway," I said to beam looking down at him, who I am still hugging.

"ya ya, I am sorry, I made your shirt wet. Um, let's eat" he said while wiping his tears, looking flustered.

"It's okay Beam." I smiled at Beam. I never want to see him in tears, I will make sure that this is the last time he will shed tears because of those bastards, I have to find dirt on those bastards. I have to find what is going on in that family.

"Let's eat, come on," I said to him.

We ate together, I tried to make his mood lighten up.

After we were done we cleared the table and we sat on the sofa, in the living room. We talked more about Aria, I can see how much Beam cares about her, I can see Beam takes care of Aria like his own. I know I can Trust Aria with him.

"Beam, it's late, you can stay for the day," I told Beam.

"I-, well you have to drop me anyways, I don't want to tire you out, I will stay, thank you P'Forth." Beam said with a small smile.

"You know the guest room, it's ready anyway, come, let's go upstairs," I said as I stood up.

"Okay," he said.

We reached the guest room, "okay good night Beam." I said to him and was ready to go to my room.

"P'Forth?" I heard him call me. I stopped on my track and looked back at him "yes?" I asked.

"Thank you, P'Forth"


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- Kee <3

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