Ralsei's Guide To Friendship

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        YOUR POV:

The journey continued like it always did. You found a new 'enemy' that wasn't really that interested in fighting. A white blob named 'Rabbick' had jumped out of the bushes, nearly making you shit out your lung. After blowing all the dust off it, a tiny bunny was left, and you spared it. You've calmed down just a little bit.But you were unsure if you were ready to face her yet-


"Susie...! Lancer...!" Ralsei's eyes widened, seeing the two standing in the way of the rest of the path.

You averted your gaze. Or at least, tried to. Your eyes kept drifting to the duo even when you didn't want to see her. Much to your relief, she didn't even seem to glance at you. Should you be upset that she didn't look at you? You had no idea anymore.

Susie snickered as Lancer spoke.

"Well if it isn't the so-called Heroes!"

"Are you finally ready to see what happens..." Susie spoke next after him. A beat of quiet went by, and she elbowed the boy beside her. He snapped out of whatever daze he might've been in.

"When you try to act soft..."

Oh lord, they were taking turns speaking. You watched something like this on TV when you ate your cereal in the morning. It was cheesy, but you watched it anyways.

"Against a team that crushes ANYONE in their way?"

"Dark Jack Lancer!"

"Violent Ax Susie!"

The two turned to each other and attempted to speak in sync. It was very much out of sync, and they mumbled and babbled.

"Together we are... The DARK Delta-Simps!"

Susie's ax went up whilst on fire as she posed dramatically. Lancer put one arm up and held the other close to his chest. You coughed, trying to disguise the small, stifled laugh that left you. It was cheesy, but you could appreciate a good villain intro. The names could use some work, but you weren't one to complain.

But if you had to complain about something, you would complain about how she was already getting close to Lancer. You had to spend so much time with her for her to even tolerate you.

"Um... So what's your, um, evil plan?" Ralsei spoke up after nobody did.

Lancer and Susie turned to him like he was the weird one.

She huffed and ran her fingers through her thick hair. "Huh? Dude, we JUST formed our team. We haven't done anything past our intro yet."

Lancer pouted and crossed his arms. "Have a little patience please..."

"Oh, um, sorry..." Ralsei apologized and bowed his head. "We're, um, looking forward to the rest!"

Kris elbowed him with a small smile, as if to say, "Yeah, Ralsei, patience.". But Ralsei had the most patience of anyone you'd met. You had to take notes. God forbid you snapped at that prince. Kris seemed chill, but you preferred to keep it a mystery as to what happened when they got mad.

"Heh, well you won't have to look forward for long." Susie grinned.

"Starting now, we're going to work ceaselessly!" Lancer exclaimed, pointing his finger at the sky in either drama or emphasis. You couldn't tell which one it was.


"To make an evil plan to thrash you clowns."

Susie turned away, and her eyes met yours for a second. You looked away first. Wow. What an interesting floor. That was a floor. Peculiar. You failed to notice that Kris' hand went to pat your shoulder, but they quickly dropped it. Susie noticed, though.

The Delta-Simps//Deltarune FanficWhere stories live. Discover now