Puzzles and Getting Baked!

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        YOUR POV:

The sound of clicking could be heard when you put in the last part of the puzzle. The spikes on the path above had gone down. You clapped your hands together with a smile and looked down the way to where Kris and Ralsei went.

"It worked!" You called out, and soon after, the two poked their heads out of the corner.

Ralsei grinned at you and gave you the thumbs up. You returned it again as Kris made their way back over to you. There was no way you would mention it, but you noticed how long they took to return. The first two symbols were given so quickly, but there was a weird pause in between it. It's not like you minded; alone time was nice. Weird nonetheless.

You prayed that they weren't talking trash about you. Did you do anything to make that happen? Oh God, did you? Hmm. There was that monster parent thing before. Maybe that argument with Susie? Nah, maybe the banter with her was worse. Unless you were getting on their nerves? But perhaps-

"You coming?" Ralsei called out your name, already making his way to the next path. There was a confused look on his face, snapping you out of your overthinking daze.

With a rushed nod of your head, you trailed after the two. It was a small area with another red chest. Beside it, there were two blue-blocked fellas with faces that resembled dogs with yellow feet. You gave the chest a small glance but quickly got distracted by the blocks. You leaned down, looking at it with curious eyes.


What an engaging conversation!

"Break the box for a bracelet! Bracelets are my Bfavorite..."

You looked back at Kris, who had already opened the box. They reached their hand in and pulled out a bracelet. The whole thing was made of black and blue dice. It looked like it was made from the DIY bracelet making kits you would see on TV as a kid.

"The King wants to o-liminate Lightners but... we didn't o-gree with that. We o-scaped."

"I too, prefer to not be o-liminated. That's good." You said as you patted one on the head and stood up.

"But the o-thers were o-rrested."

"O-ookay! Not so good." Awkwardly clearing your throat, you shuffled back over to the group. Yeah, not quite good at all. Let's just hope you didn't get thrown in jail too. It would not look good on your school records...

"We'll get them out!" Ralsei assured the two.

Jailbreak! Or maybe just getting the king to take a nap and a tylenol. Or both! Before you could agree with Ralsei as usual, Kris called out your name. Glad to know someone still remembered it.

You were still you! Right?

You turned to them with a small hum. "What's up?"

They silently held out the bracelet to you, nearly dropping it in the process. They managed to catch it before it fell at your feet. Kris' bangs had shifted out of the way and you could see their embarrassed expression and tense smile.


You held out your hand to take the bracelet. They stared at your hand for a moment, saying nothing. A few more seconds passed with them just looking. You cleared your throat and began to put your hand back down. Interesting, interesting. Maybe you read that wrong. Oh god, what if they were just trying to show you the bracelet and not trying to give it to you?-

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