Chapter 1: Challenge Accepted

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Ring Ring

Welton's Academy. Hello! Yes, he is. Just a moment

Mr.Nolan it's for you

It's God

He says we should have girls at Welton.

And so it happened, just like Charlie Dalton had wished for. It took many months for the academy to approve girls being admitted into an all boys school but it happened. The head of education believed that with girls at the school it would help the boys avoid trouble. Terrible judgment in my opinion. They could not just admit a hundred random girls in the school however. The board agreed that there should be a trial run before it was set in stone. Welton was receiving applications from only 50 girls and only 20 had the chance of acceptance. The 20 girls would attend Welton's academy for 1 years time and the results will determine if Welton would remain the same or go co-ed.

My parents being controlling sociopaths naturally made me apply to the school. Although, I didn't see the point because I was already at one of the best secondary schools. To my parents anything that is not number 1 is simply not good enough. Like most parents, my parents hated each other but they would never get divorced which did more damage than getting an actual divorce. Anyways, I got accepted into Welton, which made my parents extremely happy for like an hour. This was a couple weeks ago. I was already residing in the dorms with a germ freak named Rebecca Cornet. Rebecca and I took a while to get used to each other. We drew a line in the center of the room and none of my belongings are allowed to cross that point. Vice versa.

Being a girl in an all boys school was like being a sheep in a wolf's den. Not safe. I expected some cat calls, some unfortunate grabbing, constantly getting hit on. But all that kind of got less frequent as time went by. They got bored which was good news for the girls. The one person in charge of such a dramatic change in the school was the one person I hated the most. On my first day at the school, Charlie tried hitting on me and I was already irritated that day and reacted poorly by pouring my iced coffee all over him. It was his fault my parents forced me to go here and leave all my friends behind in my old school. Next day, I accidentally dropped my yogurt from the top floor and it just so happened that Charlie Dalton was on the receiving end of it. I knew he had taken it personally when later that day he got revenge by pouring orange juice all over my hair in the cafeteria. That turned into a food fight which automatically got blamed on Charlie. After some well deserved ass whooping, He decided that I was the only girl he would not hit on but instead hate on.

Oh and I am Valerie Chase.

"Miss Chase, care to give us the answer to question 3?"

I snapped back into reality. Everyone had their heads turned around looking straight into my soul. "Excuse me, sir but I- uhm, I wasn't paying attention."

"Well you can not pay attention in detention too, which will be served on Friday evening." Dr.Hager replied with a nasty smirk on his face and went on with teaching the class as they sniggered at my embarrassing state.

Life was brutal when you got detention. Not because of a wasted weekend, but because they contacted your parents whenever you got in trouble or even looked the slightest bit distracted from your studies. I would much rather get an unfair beating from the Lady Beater than get detention. The Lady Beater was a woman that was hired to discipline the female students. I guess the school thought that if male teachers asked teenage girls to bend over so they could smack them in the ass, was a bit too weird. I left trig later than everyone else, because I was treating myself to some good old fashioned lecture about how failing trig won't get you into Yale, which in turn will ruin my life.

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