Chapter 32: And Justice

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{Valerie's POV}

What I was most afraid of happening didn't happen. I thought that I would be charged for murder or at least manslaughter. But the detective found the piles of evidence I had been collecting for years and believes that I can get away with self defense. I told him that I had even more evidence stashed up in my dorm room at school, and he was grateful to hear that. I was told that it would be wise for me to get a lawyer.

"My dad knows a lot of good lawyers, I'm sure he can introduce you to a good one." Knox said.

I thanked him, "That would be great, Knox."

I was so extremely grateful for everyone being on my side. I was afraid that Becky, or even less relevant people, would think of me as a monster who killed a man and be afraid of me. But the people I knew, knew that I had killed a monster. I would cry on the nights Charlie had to be home. I would cry harder on the days when Elle would visit. Mother couldn't even look me in the eyes. I knew deep down that she was grateful that I killed the son of a bitch, but she would never admit that.

I informed Mom and Elle about how they would have to give witness statements of how my father used to physically abuse me. Elle was more than happy to do it, but mother took a bit of convincing. I expected my mom to change completely now that dad was gone but she was still the same, just drank less. I knew her change was coming for the better when she cut me some oranges one night.

I loved the days when Becky, Charlie and his friends would visit. We would play card games until night came or read poems out loud. Those days would make me feel extremely happy, which only meant that I would get extremely sad come the night.

"May I come in?"

It was Mr.Keating. It was the day before I would be discharged. He looked weary and tired. I invited him in and sat up straight.

"I heard about you. But I didn't know when the most appropriate time would be to visit." He said sheepishly.

"Anytime is perfect to have visitors, Captain." I said, "Thank you for coming."

He stood by the foot of my bed and said earnestly, "I failed you as a teacher and I've come to apologize. As a teacher, it's my duty to protect you, among other things. I had known a little about your toxic family and gave you vague advice to come talk to me. All because I was afraid of infringing upon your personal life. "

I tried to hold back the tears I felt coming and said, "Captain, You have done more for me these past few months as a father, than my father ever did in 18 years. You helped a lot of other students. hell there is a whole club because of you. So don't sell yourself short."

I cringed at how wise I was trying to sound. Comforting your teacher about something you did, is the weirdest feeling ever and I hope I never feel this way again. But I did mean what I said. I always wished that Mr.Keating was my father, thinking of how different my life would be.

"Thank you." He said genuinely, "I brought you this as a 'get well soon' present. It's 'Tales From Shakespeare'. I thought it would help with your boredom at the hospital."

He handed me the book. I thanked him for everything, before he left. Then I spent another night alone in my private hospital room. Tomorrow, I would get discharged. But where would I go? Mom said, the police were done investigating the house, but that was the last place on earth I would want to stay in. School was out of the question. I knew that a lot of students would ask me questions. I had nowhere else to go.


I filled out the discharge sheets. Charlie came soon after with a bag of fresh non bloody clothes. I put them on and we were finally out of the hospital. I was told to use a wheelchair for two weeks to give my ribs some more rest. And with all honesty, my ass was getting sore from sitting and laying around for a week. Not to mention, the struggle of getting into a car when you're on a wheelchair.

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