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My sister and I were on the couch eating plain cereal since we had ran out of milk. We didn't have a table after David had broken it and the couch was the only sort of chair we had. Maya was prattling on about some fairy tale she had read and how the prince was so handsome while I just nodded to everything she was saying pretending I was listening.

"-And then... he kissed her!! On the lips!!!!!!!"
"Mhm definitely didn't see that coming"
"I know right!? What a twist. And then-"
All of a sudden an weird creepy 22yr old came into the room cutting off Maya's sentence

"Guys! We're going to Columbia!" exclaimed my older brother

"Mhm. Wait what?" I responded. I knew David was the kind of person who liked travelling. He had a dream that he wanted to travel the world. That dream quickly faded after he went completely group God knows how. He got fired from his previous job and the one before that, and before that...
"I thought you were broke-"
"Yay!" Maya my little sister exclaimed.

"Glad to see one of you is excited" David said rolling his eyes
"Why Columbia?" I asked ignoring his previous statement
"We're going to a city called Encanto. Apparently they have magic powers there"
"I hope they can magic you some money you really need it" you said causing David to glare at you.
"Actually I found a job there too so money shouldn't be a problem. Not that it ever was. They're also giving us a free home!"

You sighed this seemed to unreal,Maya however squealed in excitement.
"EEEEEEE I might find a charming prince. Oh! I hope he can communicate with animals that would be so cool!!"
"No one believes in that stupid shit and you really think they will have magic powers?" You said causing David to hiss at you.
"No cursing! She's still young." He said as he poured the remaining bit of cereal in his hand and through the box out the window before sitting next to us.
"Yeah yeah..." I said still munching on my cereal. I wondered what my friends at school would think but it would probably be fine. We probably have at least a month till we leave so I can probably keep it a secret until then-

"Also um we're leaving tomorrow"


—(timeskip to when your in encanto)—

We arrived in encanto at about 3pm

"This place looks weird" I stated seeing all the colours around which was a change. Being stuck in a musty crusty apartment with a 22 year old man and 5 year old sister wasn't nice.
"AHH SO PRETTY!" Maya said running off somewhere.
"(Y/N) CHASE HER" David said. He was holding all our luggage so he wasn't able to run but I decided I to walk the opposite direction she went to go explore on my own.

"HEY BITCH COME BACK" He yelled causing some people in the street to give him a disappointed look. I chuckled to myself before walking off.

After finding Maya (which took about and hour) we went to our new house. To say it was better than our apartment was an understatement. We each had our own room and the place was generally nice. I was shocked that David could get a house let alone this good.

Maya was already running around and I grabbed my luggage from David and ran upstairs to go get the biggest room. He grumbled and set some things down and followed me upstairs.
One we were all settled down it was about 7pm so we all sat at the table ready to eat dinner. A chorus of tummy rumbles echoed across the room and Maya and I stared at David looking forward to what he had prepared for us.

"What if I said. I didn't bring any food"

I groaned and Maya sulked, David got up from his chair worried by our reactions and pulled me out of mine too.

"Fear not Maya your sister and I will bring you food just sit tight and don't go anywhere. Please you have tendency to do so." Maya nodded and he dragged me outside and locked the door.

"Why am I coming with you"

"Cause you know Spanish and I don't"

"I don't know Spanish either"

"What? Did they not teach you in school"

"I never payed attention"



"Oh well let's just go" he said grabbing my arm and walking towards the plaza.

"Be on the look out for anything cheap. Cheap things only" he commanded while I nodded. I looked around carefully and saw a lady giving out free food with lots of people in a line*

"Oi david look" I said pointing toward them and in a blink of an eye he was in the line ready to grab the food so I joined him.

Analysing the line I saw that people were being healed by this food which seemed weird to me but I ignored it.

When we got to the front the lady asked

"What have you broken?" She said worriedly. We stared at her confused
"Or perhaps your ill?" She said with a concerned look

"Oh we're new here and we didn't bring any food (or money) and we thought that this was free food" my brother said smiling whispering the money part.

"Oh I see, well then here take some!" She said with the warmest smile.
"Thank you!" he said before taking and handful and dragging me away.

"This smells so good! Maya will love it he said opening the door."




meant to be - CAMILO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now