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The next morning you woke up to your brother banging on your door.
"GET YO LAZY ASS UP" he shouted still banging on the door. You groaned and got up deciding you might as well.
Next door in your sister room you could hear your brother saying something again.

"Good morning Maya! Get up when you feel like your ready okay?" He said in the nicest voice possible You cursed David to yourself and got ready for the day.

For breakfast you all just had the same food you were given yesterday but David left it out in the sun all morning since we didn't have a microwave.

"Any plans for today you too?" David said looking at you and Maya.
"I'm going to go visit the Madrigals" you said with your mouth full

"I wanna see Antonio!" Maya shouted
"Oh my gosh what a surprise!! Looks like we're all going to the same place we can go together As a family!!!!!" David said happily, his excitement creeped you out.

You all made your way up to the Casita and you spotted three children running too. One of them specifically caught your eye as they were holding a cup of coffee.

Maya ran off somewhere, probably to go find Antonio and David was about to go in until you asked him a question.

"Oh that reminds me... what is your new job? You never told us" you said causing David's eyes to widen.

"Oh uh-"

"DRAWERS, FLOORS, DOORS, LET'S GO" you looked over to see a girl in glasses dancing and singing. Perhaps this was the song Camilo was talking about.

She explained all of them really well and the song was really catchy too. You happened to see the lady selling free food and that cooking was her gift. No wonder the food tasted so good
"Cousin Dolores, can hear a pin drop!"

Oh so that's why she heard me

"Camilo shapeshifts" Camilo was shapeshifting into random people while throwing a baby up and down.

Cute you thought smiling a bit.

"Antonio gets his gift today! My older sisters: Isabela and Luisa!"

You felt heat rising to your cheeks again when you saw Isabela so you covered your face quickly. She was just so perfect and pretty you couldn't help it. What you didn't realise though was someone looking at you noticing your small action and frowning slightly.

"But what about Mirabel?" The children all said making you wonder what her gift was too.  She seemed a bit pressured as the kids and I followed her back to the Casita.

"MiRaBeL? What are you doing" said some old fart. She looked really annoying


"Oh Mirabel didn't get one. Hm!" Dolores said before carrying on with whatever she was doing.

You felt bad for her wondering how it felt

She's kinda like Deku...

Then this old guy came out of nowhere and made the situation even worse by rubbing it in. It made you really mad seeing this you wanted to kick that guy in the stomach really badly. So you did.

"OW What was that for?!??"

"Sorry my leg moved on its own" He gave you a glare and then left in his crusty car.

"You didn't have to do that" she said

"Well I wanted to anyways let's be friends Mirabel" you said smiling at her

"Sure! Come inside we're preparing for Antonio's gift ceremony"

You walked in the Casita with her and saw many people helping out and the house moving on itself to do it own shit.

"You can help a bit I'm gonna go put this basket down" Mirabel said referring to the present the man had given her. You nodded and she left. You looked around again one more time and you spotted someone familiar.

Your brother David was talking to Dolores and he must of said one of his crappy pickup lines cause she started blushing like crazy.

You glared at David annoyed at the thought of him getting a partner before you. You were about to confront him until you felt a tap on your shoulder causing you to turn around.

"Oh hi Camilo" surely enough your first friend you had made here was behind you.

"Hola mi amigo/amiga!" He said with a smile on his face causing you to smile too.

"Your family is really talented all their powers are so cool!" You said with excitement to Camilo

Camilo nodded but in his head he was a bit sad

What about my powers? Am I not cool?

"Do I need an invitation to come to Antonio's ceremony or can I just show up?" You said breaking him out of his train of thoughts.

"Oh you're coming? Great! I think you can just show up also there will be lots of food!" He said back to his happy self
You smiled at him and then said
"I'm gonna go out to look around town do you want to come with me?" You asked hoping in your head he would say yes

"Ah lo siento I would come but I have to stay and help put with the ceremony. How about tomorrow? I'm free then."  He said with a apologetic look on his face.  You nodded knowing that he was needed to help with the ceremony but not knowing what 'lo siento' meant.

"It's ok im going to go for a little walk I'll be back for the ceremony. Bye!" You said waving and running out the house completely forgetting about the David and Dolores situation.

Camilo waved back and watched as you ran away smiling to yourself. He didn't know why but felt really excited about this evening.

meant to be - CAMILO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now