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The next two days we work on the project, but yet don't speak.

I get home from school and go up to my room and start finishing my math homework. An hour later i shove it back into my bag and sigh. I grab a snack from my mini fridge and hear my mom yell for me.

I go downstairs and say, "what's up?"

"We've invited the Collins over for dinner. The new neighbors."

I roll my eyes, "okay."

"Why the eye roll?"

"I go to school with Blade, the older one. He's kind of a dick!" I run my hand through my hair.

"I bet you're a dick too hun."

"Am not!"

"Are too!" Jett says from the kitchen table.

"Oh fuck off Jett!"

"You first!"

"Enough guys!" My mom cuts in. "They are coming over in twenty minutes and that's final! Now, stop the bickering before someone gets an apple thrown at them!" She stands behind the kitchen island with an apple in hand.

Me and Jett both roll our eye and I say, "whatever."

I head back to my room until they get here.

After they get inside i head downstairs. My mom smiles as she shakes hands with the woman. "Hi, I'm Lyla and this is my husband Derrick!" My mom smiles.

"It's nice to finally meet you guys, I'm Kara and this is Daryl, my husband! And my kids, Blade, Dexter, Drusis, and Adonis!" She smiles.

"I'm Madeleline, this is my littler sister Ivy and my little brothers, Gabe and Jett."

She shakes me hand and smiles.

We all sit around my kitchen table plus another table added to the end. My mom made her famous cheese burgers, french fries and mac'n'cheese. All homemade of course.

We eat and our parents talk. They send us to go play or whatever and I head to my bedroom.

I hated social events. I mean I do only have three friends so, that should be pretty obvious.

Leaving my bedroom door open I sit on my bed and turn my tv on. Opening Netflix there's a knock on my door. I look to see Blade. "Our moms told me to come up here and hang out with you."

I nod, "ever seen Supernatural?"

He sits in my desk chair and says, "every episode! I've watched it since it came out!"

"Me too. I'm rewatching it again."

I play the show and we sit there in a comfortable silence.

- Blade's pov -

From the moment I seen her there was something about her. Maybe she's just an annoying brat or something. That's probably exactly what it is.

The one thing I couldn't get out of my head was her eyes. The right one was brown and her left eye was a bright green.

They were pretty as fuck.

We sit in a comfortable silence in her bedroom as my favorite show, Supernatural plays.

Never did I expect to move here and be sitting in a girl's bedroom watching a show together. Maybe I was wrong to be angry about moving here. I don't know.

Her bedroom was black, each and every wall painted black, but covered in art. Pictures or paintings, a few tapestries and a small wall of only shelves filled with records. Must have been over a thousand of them. Red LED lights hang behind her bed and all the eay around the room.

Her bed spread was even black.

It reminded me of my bedroom. My walls were a very dark grey color filled with posters. My bedspread was dark gray and everything was dark.

I looked over at her and our eyes meet as she was already looking at me.

"Why are your eyes different colors?" I asked without even filtering myself. My mouth moving faster than my mind.

"A genetic thing. I was born with it."

"Oh, does it affect your eye sight or something?"

"Not necessarily, but my eyes are more sensitive to certian light."

I nod and she asks, "how come you guys moved here? Not like in a dick way, just wondering."

"My dad's job. He got transfered here and we came with."

"Oh wow. Nice."

"Yeah, I thought it'd be really shitty moving out here, but i mean i haven't had any issues yet i guess. Beside this one girl who seems to kind of follow me around," I chuckle softly.

"Oh fuck off. I do not follow you around!" She laughs as she rolls her eyes.

"Mmmkind of do. Just a little bit," I smile at the ground.

"Shut up."

We laugh for a second and she says, "if you want to you can sit up here. There's room for two."

I nod and take her offer. We sit next to each other now and I don't think we have ever been this close. Even in school I mean.

The show continues to play and I run my hand through my hair.

Eventually me and my family go back home. I lay in my bed and scroll through my phone as Supernatural plays in the background.

Sometimes playing it as background noise helps me sleep I guess.

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