Chapter 11- Feared loosing him

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"Mr. Jeon Jungkook you are under arrest for carrying an unlicensed gun and attempt to murder" The police barged in the construction site. Jungkook was shocked, more like devasted. All these years for him went to waste. Only if he hadn't chosen this path, none of this would've happened 

"Mr. Vice Chairman-n" My voice started to crack by this moment. My entire figure shivered with fear of loosing him, eyes welled up with tears

"I told-d you.... I wi-ll protect-t you" He spoke blood flowing from his mouth

"Mr. Vice-e Chairman, noth-ing will happe-n to you-u" I said while tears rolled down my cheeks. My arms wrapped around him in a protective manner


"SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I yelled drawing everyone's attention

By this time, President Kim, Chairman Kim and Jimin had already entered the site. Looking at us, they immediately rushed towards us

"Taehyung! You are going to be okay! Nothing will happen to you" Chairman Kim said

"Hyung, call an ambulance" President Kim said making the elder male nod as he stood up to call the ambulance. Yes, they were scared too but they just didn't want to show it

"Y/n-ah" Mr. Vice Chairman called out gently. I was dying to hear his voice all along but not in this way, seeing him in pain made my heart ache 

"Mr. Vice Chair-man... hang in there-e okay?" I said

"Y/n-ah, I-I.... love-e you a lo-t... If-f I-" I cut him off by saying

"Stop-p talkin-g like th-at.... you are-e going-g to be-e just-t fine.... we wil-l go home together-r, spen-d happy moments-s together, have-e kids and... grow-w old together. No, you-u can't.... leave me like-e this" Instead of replying, he gave me a small smile. His eyes started to close

"Taehyung, don't close your eyes, you are going-g to be okay" Jimin said tapping his cheeks to make him stay awake but he had already lost consciousness 

"Mr. Vice-e chairman? Mr. Vice chairman-n?" I said shaking him but no response. Blood was flowing from his wound. I started to let out sobs while Jimin comforted me

"The ambulance is here!" President Kim yelled 

Everyone helped carrying Taehyung towards the ambulance where a doctor was already waiting. Laying him on the stretcher, the doctor started checking his pulse

"We need to take him to the hospital as soon as possible, I can feel his pulse but it's low" The doctor said 

"Y/n, go to the hospital with Taehyung in the ambulance. Me and Seokjin Hyung will come by our car. Jimin, accompany Y/n. She needs someone by her side right now" President Kim suggested as we nodded

[Time skip: City Hospital]

"Move aside.... Move aside" Jimin yelled indicating everyone to move aside. Me and Jimin including the the hospital staffs, we rushed towards the operation theatre with Taehyung lying unconscious on the stretcher. By now he was given a oxygen mask

"Ma'am you can't enter" The doctors prevented us from entering, finally closing the door of the operation theatre 

"Jimin-n" I said finally breaking down in tears as he immediately embraced me

"Shh, everything is going to be okay. Taehyung loves you more than anything, he'll be okay for your sake, don't worry" Jimin comforted me, gently caressing my hair as I kept sobbing

By this time, President Kim and Chairman Kim had arrived

"Where is Taehyung?" President Kim questioned Jimin

"They went in the operation theatre few minutes before you arrive" Jimin replied

"Sister-in-law..." Chairman Kim called us softly taking a seat next to me

"It's-s all because-e of me.... It-t al-l started... because-e o-f.... me" I said crying even more now. He gently hugged me. Tears just won't stop flowing

"Y/n-ah, stop blaming yourself. None of this is your fault. Not you getting kidnapped, nor the revenge not Taehyung getting shot. Nothing is your fault, think of it as a nightmare. It'll be gone once you wake up" He said 

"Then I want-t to wake up-p. I can't-t loose him" I cried even louder now. Tears welled up in everyone's eyes by now

"You-u won't.... you don't-t need to loose him-m"

[Time skip: 2 hours later]

The door of the operation theatre opened, revealing two doctors who came out

"Doctor, how-w is he?" Chairman Kim asked the doctors 

"Fortunately, he was shot under the shoulder and not the lungs, or else it would've been difficult for us to save him. We've operated and taken the bulled out. He has lost a lot of blood which is why he has lost consciousness. We've stopped the flow of blood but I can't guarantee when he'll wake up. But for now I can say that he's out of danger for the time being" 

"Thank you" Jimin thanked the doctor

"Y/n-ah, he'll be fine" President Kim spoke making me nod

Minutes later, the nurses and doctor came out with the stretcher with Taehyung, shifting him a ward

"Please don't go inside the ward for now" The nurses informed us and left

I slowly walked towards the door. I looked at his unconscious figure lying on the bed. But right now, all I cared about was that he'll be okay. He won't leave me. 

"Mr. Vice Chairman-n, you'll-l be okay"

[Meanwhile: Police Station; Interrogation room]

"Jeon Jungkook, 24 years, male has been arrested for committing murder, attempt to murder and carrying an un-licensed gun. You'll have your trial in 3 days till then you'll be transferred to Seoul Central prison. Is there anything you want to say?" The officer

"Can I meet Y/n once before the trial?" Jungkook asked. The officers looked at each other, clearly confused

[Time skip: Two days later; Seoul central prison]

"Why did you want to see me?" I asked straightaway not wanting to look at someone who tried to kill me and my husband

"I know you won't believe me but, whenever I said I liked you, I didn't lie then. I truly did but seeing you with Taehyung made me want to take him away from you. My wanting for revenge eventually overpowered my longing to be with you" He said from the other side of the glass 

"Stop lying. I've had enough with your bullshits. You lied to me about everything and now you expect me believe you? And then what? Forgive you? Never. Not after what you did. Taehyung has been un-conscious for 2 days. Does it feel good to see the person you so-called loved get hurt every second?!" I yelled, tears rolling down my eyes 


"Don't take my name. I'll never forgive you! I hate you so much, Jungkook!" I yelled, grabbing my back as I left the room 

"Y/n, I hope you'll forgive me one day...."

Mr. Vice Chairman Season 2 [A Kim Taehyung FF]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang