Chapter 7 Big mistake dude. Big mistake

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Ash's Pov-

Alright, so right now I'm entering the Dobrev mansion and the guards are looking at me like I've grown 2 heads or something. Seriously what the hell is up with these people.

You see, I'm just coming back from the safe house. Me and Vi were discussing some business related things and briefing about our mission at the Spanish attack. Also, dare i mention, she was ranting on and on about how Ace had pulled so many pranks on her since I left, with one of them also resulting in her having bright neon green hair.

I might be the youngest one in the group, but they are literal children I tell you. Literal Children.

Anyway, all the while i was at the house, my phone was blowing up with calls and texts from Alexander and Lucian. And I may or may not have intentionally sent each and every one of them to voicemail.

Only later, did I realise that it was past midnight and I had to go back.


I walk towards my room only to be stopped in the living room by a very pissed off looking Lucian and a somewhat ...... relieved? Alexander.

"Where the hell have you been young lady?" Lucian asked in what I'm assuming was supposed to be a growl.
Honestly, he sounded like he was constipated. Oh well.

"Not that I'm obligated to explain myself to you or anything, but if you must know I was with a friend. She's visiting from Italy." I send in a bored voice. That was a lie. First, she is not my friend, she is my sister. Second, she is not visiting. She is moving here. Something about how she can't handle living with two boys, especially with one of them being Ace, without me in reachable distance.

And also she is starting school with me on Monday , which I am very grateful for. If I had to tolerate my dear dear siblings not only at home, but also at school, they'd be as good as dead.

"And you didn't get any of our calls?" He said in a low threatening voice with a harsh glare. He looked like a grumpy five year old who's mother won't let him have any candy.

How he is a Mafia haire and is gonna become the Don someday is beyond me.

"Oh I did. Just chose to ignore them."
I replied with a shrug like it was the most normal thing and was no big deal.

This just seemed to piss him off even more. I swear if this was a cartoon, smoke would be coming out of his ears right about now.

"But you should have called us princess, we could have sent someone to pick you up. The streets aren't safe at night, you shouldn't have walked alone. We were worried about you."
Father dearest piped in.

I laughed at that. No seriously i laughed out loud at that. They were worried about my safety? After they literally sent me to the least safest place on Earth, they were worried about my safety?!

Yeah that's funny.

"You.....were...... worried about" I said in between fits of laughter, while clutching my stomach.

"Not that I don't appreciate your non-existent real concern, but I am the reason that the streets are unsafe at night." I replied after regaining my poster, in a cold voice, which is capable of sending shivers down a grown man's spine.

Both of them seemed a little taken aback by my reaction and I decided to go back to my room after having enough of their wide-eyed faces.

I turned around and started walking towards the door just when Lucian reaches out and grabs my arm firmly.

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