Chapter 33 The ceremony

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The Silver Cloud agency. 

I've never known any agent who actually refers it as that. Usually, we all just say 'the agency' because we all know what we're talking about. Sometimes on a rare occasion, you'll hear it being referred as the 'SC' agency. Personally, I think that's stupid. It sounds like some travel agent site or some shit. 

Not that the real name is any better though, it makes us sound like a zoo workers or something. 

Ofcourse I wasn't gonna do anything about it though. Christopher named the agency, so obviously it must mean something to him. I'm not just gonna change the name because I don't like it. 

But then, my opinion on the name didn't really matter. In order for me to change the name of the agency, I'd need signatures from the current chief of the agency, aka Zack. Well sure, I definitely have my ways of getting the sign if I want to, but who'd go through all that trouble?

Address him as anything other than chief, and it was rumored that you'd end up 6 feet under and no one will ever find your remains. 

I say rumored because occasionally whenever I felt he needed to be taken down a peg or two, I called him by the names he didn't quite appreciate. And as far as I could tell, I was pretty much alive and not 6 feet under.

Over time, he adjusted his attitude for the better with the other agents and teams, but the the attitude adjustment did not seem to apply to me. 

Most probably because I had bit of a habit of disobeying his orders, making things as difficult for him as possible and never really followed his rules. 

In my defence, those rules were meant to be broken. I feel like most of them were specifically made to keep me under control, but he denied that ofcourse. Deep down, I knew he was terrified of me, and knew that if he did say something about my behaviour to Chris, it'll only end up bad for him.  The guy has some serious ego issues. 

That didn't stop him from sending me to life-threatening suicide missions which most of the teams were incapable of handling. Him and I both knew I could complete the mission, but we also knew it was a way of him showing me how much he couldn't stand me. 

But then again, I'm like the greatest asset this agency has, so it'll be his loss. 

He's a pain in the ass really. It was like he had a sworn agenda to disagree with everything I say. Even though he valued me as an agent, everybody knew he couldn't stand me as a person. 

Even though I basically own the agency now, Me and Viola never really stopped doing solo missions as this Agency meant a lot to the both of us. 

Chris appointed Zack as the new chief of the agency before he left all those years ago. Zack was the oldest, most trusted and the best field agent Chris had before me. 

I was too young to be appointed the chief at the time and didn't really know my way around the agency. Things here worked a lot differently than at that organization with William. 

Well obviously, but I wasn't quite used to it. 

Being new to the normal world, it obviously took me some time to adjust with the new surroundings, my new home and one of the biggest challenges was to gain my mafia's trust. 

Eventually, more people joined in and the group grew bigger each day. 

By the time Chris left, I had a pretty big army and Ace and I were already discussing alliances to collide our Mafia's and make it one big powerful group. (Chapter 6)

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