Chapter 16 Are you ok?

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Ash's Pov-

After Ace and Felix came in, I got up and had a dagger and a gun in my each hand in a swift movement. I felt somebody sneaking up on me, so I raised my gun and fired it behind me, never breaking eye contact with Nathan.

A second later, I heard a body drop and turned around to see one of Nathan's guard on the floor with a piece of cloth in one hand, most probably to drug me, and a bullet hole right in the middle of the head.

I looked back at Nathan and now he was standing there with wide eyes while I had a smirk on my face.

"You- you-....... you're not th-the........B-Black Flower?" he managed to stutter out towards Nat. "No" She grinned while pointing her gun towards him as well.

He opened his mouth to say something but Ace beat him to it. "Shut up and get down" he growled.

"Ah. Ace" Nathan cheered. Did I hit him on the head too hard?

I saw Ace twitch a bit. It was almost unnoticeable. But enough for me and most likely Nathan to notice. Back at the cell, whenever they'd come to get me, he'd always say that to Ace just to see him freak out and for the fun of it.

I took off the safety of my gun and he turned towards him. He smiled and took out his gun, immediately firing it at me. I got out of the way and easily dodged all of the bullets. Next, he fired towards Nat but stopped when Felix shot him in the leg.

He let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground, the gun slipping out of his hands. Ae and Felix ran towards him and circled him so wouldn't make a run for it.

I made sure Nat was fine and headed to where they were standing. He was bleeding on the ground and groaning in pain.

I motioned for the guards to come and handcuff him. They nodded and came over. Just as I started to walk aside with Ace to talk about what to do next while Felix was still pointing his gun at Nathan, he threw a knife directly towards Ace's head. I noticed it while it was in the air and held it by the blade, inches away from his head.

It made a cut on my hand which started bleeding but was much better than piercing right through his head. I've told him so many freaking times to be aware of his surroundings, I'm not always gonna be there to save his dumb ass. Idiot.

I narrowed my eyes at Ace, as if saying 'get out of your head and pay attention before I kill you myself.' He gave me an apologetic look and immediately straightened up.

I turned around and gave Nathan a hard glare, which made him gulp loudly from where he was on the ground. Fucking coward. I aimed the knife he threw directly towards his head and got ready to throw it.

His eyes widened in fear and he started apologizing repeatedly. I rolled my eyes and threw the knife towards his side at the last moment. Not enough to kill him. but enough to make it hurt like a bitch.

"I'm not done with you yet" I said darkly while walking away with Ace right on my trail.

Once we were out of earshot and view of anybody, he pulled me into a hug while running his hand soothingly on my back. He knows exactly how much I hate physical contact unless it's from him. And well Chris as well , but that doesn't exactly matter considering I'm never gonna see him again. Even then though, I like to keep it as limited as possible but an occasional hug doesn't hurt I guess.

I hugged him back and he pulled away after a moment, his hands still on my shoulders.

"Are you ok?" he asked, pure concern lacing his brotherly voice and his eyes boring into mine, studying them deeply. If there is one person who knows when I'm lying, it's him. Man I hate him for that.

"Mhm" I nodded.

He gave me a look which clearly said 'cut the crap'.

I sighed. "Look it doesn't matter right now. ok?. We have more important things to deal with, like the son of a bitch sitting on the ground out there, who also by the way decided to stab an annoying pain in the ass right in the head, and that person being totally oblivious to it and the idiot he is, would have been dead if an amazing badass genius wouldn't have grabbed the knife." I looked pointedly towards him.

He huffed like a child he is and shook his head. "You're never gonna let that go any time soon are you?"

I grinned and said "nope." , while popping the 'P'.

After that, we decided that we'll take this guy to the safehouse here in New York, where Ace, Vi and Lix are staying. He'll be kept in the chambers and the normal torture for answers technique will be used. The same old. Also, it's nothing he doesn't deserve so it makes sense.

So, well all went to the safe house and updated Vi on what happened. The three of us played some basketball, deciding to deal with Nathan later because we were tired.

After Ace and Lix totally lost against me, we had some much needed coffee and that's when I started thinking about what the fuck will I tell the biologicals.

At the restaurant, I didn't think about that because getting Nathan was more important. Now, I have to go back and have no clue about what I'll say.

I mean I can't exactly go like 'yeah... I'm the boss of the Italians and they'll do whatever I say. I'm also kind of the reason you got kicked out of that restaurant...'

Yeah... definately not a pleasant chat.

After a few hours, I started heading towards the Dobrev mansion at around five in the morning.

Well I lost track of time so don't blame me. Also, it's not like they'll be up.

After I reached home, guess what, they were up!

Great. (Note the sarcasam.)

I decided to ignore their presence like I did not just see them all staring at me expectantly and walked back to my room.

Well not all of them, it was Alexander, Lucian and Alfie. The people I went to the meeting with.

I walked towards the door but Alexander beat me to it and stood in front of the door, with his giant built and arms crossed in front of the chest.

He had an intensely intimidating expression on his face but I just gave a bored look with a tired sigh.

"What. The Hell. Happened." He gritted out.

I narrowed my eyes at him as if asking about what the hell he was talking about.

This seemed to piss him off even more and his cheeks were becoming a shade of bright Tomato red. It was quite funny but I didn't have the energy to laugh.

"Why the hell were we asked to leave the restaurant" Lucian glared.

Ha. Nobody ASKED them to leave. They were shoved out. Nobody disobeys my orders.

"How the hell am I supposed to know that" I deadpanned.

"Uh I don't know, maybe because you were sitting there the entire time staring at the Black Don guy while we were being pushed out." Alfie exclaimed.

"Huh. Really? Didn't notice." I pretended to think while keeping a finger on my chin.

Now, Alexander had his fists clenched and it was pretty obvious he wanted to hit me. Well go ahead dear father, it won't end well for the one of us.

And it ain't gonna be me.

"Oh yeah? What were you doing? Whoring around?" Lucian snapped in an accusing tone.

Seriously? This is the first conclusion they come to? Obviously it was me in the wrong. That's what they think isn't it. Man I really wanna skin these people alive.

I let out a breathy chuckle "Sure brother. Sure" I said sarcastically while walking towards my room and locking the door behind me.


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