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In only a matter of days Outer Banks had risen into the top ten category on Netflix which we were all super stoked about.
We had all begun to see a lot of fanpages on lots of different social media platforms which we all thought was so cool!

For the next couple of weeks after the release none of us could leave the house without getting recognized at least once by groups of fans or members of the public.

The six of us all decided to stay in the same apartment for a couple of weeks so that it would be easier when we had to go to interviews or events together.

It was definitely a good thing that we decided to stay together because the amount of interviews we were invited to was crazy! Thankfully all the invites went to Jonas so that we wouldn't have to deal with them ourselves.

We also got invited to a shit tonne of photoshoots which were always a lot of fun.
Thankfully the photographers didn't mind our craziness. Some of them actually used that to produce the best and most natural photos.

Before we all flew back to our homes, separating from eachother we had one last event to go to.
The MTV Movie and TV Awards.

Rudy and I were nominees of the best kiss award which everyone thought was fucking adorable. We would've never thought that something so small could lead to something like this.

All of us were dressed really nice for a change. The boys even wore suits! I don't think I've ever seen them wear anything other than jeans and a tshirt to anything fancy-like.

The event turned out to be a blast! Rudy and I won the award for the best kiss which was amazing!
Even the red carpet was lots of fun. All of us were acting like little kids the whole night but no one was really surprised.

A couple of days after that major event, all of us had our bags packed and were getting ready to fly back to our actual homes.
Our flights were scattered across the time space of a week, meaning that we were all leaving at different times.

We were all super sad about the fact that we would rarely be able to meet as a group again since we all lived in different parts of the country.

Thankfully Rudy only lived and hour or so away from me which meant that we could see eachother regularly.
We even had plans on buying a place together in the near future which we were both really excited about.
This would be a major step in our relationship which could help us grow as individuals, and as a couple.

Maddie and Chase moved in together a couple of weeks after we had all settled back into our homes.
I'm so happy that she has found the perfect person for her. They truely are the perfect couple and I'm glad that both of them are happy together.
(Don't cry besties I'm sorry)

Once they moved in together they even got a dog called Milo, which then had Rudy desperately wanting one too.
He was very much a dog person. If there was a dog near him he had to go and see it.
I mean it was super cute that he was so into them! Just the way his face lit up at the sight of the furry animals was priceless.

I was thankful for the fact that Logan hadn't tried to contact me in any way or find a way to see me since the last incident which ended in him having a little chat with Zendaya. He must've finally taken the hint that I wasn't going to forgive him after what he did.

I wanted nothing to do with that man after all of the shit that he put me through. It took a while, but I finally started to build up my self esteem again.
With the help of my friends of course!

A couple of months later I found out that I would finally be seeing the group again, and only for the best reason.
Outer Banks had been renued for another season!
When we all found out about there being a second season the groupchat was blowing up. It was literally making my phone lag from the amount of messages I was receiving from the group.

I am, and forever will be grateful of the amazing cast of Outer Banks who have now become some of my closest friends.

Who would've thought that what started as such a small TV show, could form lifetime friendships?


Ayo this is it for this fic y'all :,(

I know this last part was kind of short but I didn't really know what else y'all would want to know so I hope this is okay

I hope you enjoyed this fic and that it wasn't too boring!

Thank you all for the amazing support! I love y'all <3

I'm probably gonna replace my JJ fanfic with a different one so keep an eye out for updates on that! ;)

Word count: 861

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