Are You Okay? [Bruno x reader]

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Prompt: Bruno has been having a tough time, and he breaks when someone asks if he is okay

A/n: I'm currently obsessed with young Bruno (picture is up top) so, Bruno is a teenager here

A/n: I'm currently obsessed with young Bruno (picture is up top) so, Bruno is a teenager here

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"Bruno, what did I tell you about seeing peoples futures?" Alma asked and Bruno folded his arms.

"Only tell them the god news... but they should know the truth! If they really want to know their future than-" Bruno tried defending himself but Alma cut him off.

"Do you know why we have gifts? It's to help the community. If you aren't helping the community, than you shouldn't be using your gift at all." Alma said, her voice stone cold. Bruno looked to the ground, trying to keep in all of his anger and sadness bubbling up inside of him.

Alma sighed. "Just, only tell people the good news. If there isn't any good news of their future then just make something up, got it?" Alma asked. "Yes mama..." Bruno kept his head low, and Alma walked past him, leaving Bruno alone.

Bruno sighed and he walked outside.

He hates going outside, all the people staring and whispering about him, maybe just straight up bullying him, but his mama wants him to walk around, just in case anyone needs his help. He doubts it.

"Oh god, there's Bruno."

"Really? Oh no, he told me one day I would grow a gut."

"That's what he told you? He told me all of my hair would fall out when I turn twenty."

"You guys got it good, he said my goldfish would die."

Bruno sighed as he already started hearing the townspeople whispering about him, staring at him, judging him, hating him..

Bruno used his hood and covered his face, it was too much for him. He started walking quickly down the road, trying to find a good place to hide.

In doing so, he couldn't see much of where he was walking, so he bumped into someone and he fell onto the ground.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to please forgive me!" Bruno said quickly as he took a peak out from his hood. He saw you, he's never seen you before, but Bruno felt intimidated about how cute you look.

"Hey, it's fine." You huffed as you stood up, lending a hand to him. Bruno hesitantly took it and you heaved him up. Bruno still had a grip on your hand when standing up, he stared at you, studying your face. "Um, it's nice to meet you, you're Bruno right?" You asked, feeling a bit awkward and shy from Bruno staring at you.

Bruno suddenly realized his hand was still in yours and he pulled it away quickly, chuckling nervously.
"Yeah, I am Bruno, sorry. Again." Bruno apologized. "It's fine. I am totally fine." You assured. Bruno let out a breath of relief.

As you continued to stare at him though, you noticed how Bruno didn't look fine. He had dark circles under his eyes, Bruno's posture wasn't so good, and you could see how his eyes seemed a bit watery.

You have never met Bruno before, you've only heard about him, but he isn't the description people have described him to be. You got a feeling in your gut to help him.

"Are you okay?" You asked in a soft voice, shifting a bit closer to him. Bruno forgot to breath for a second, you cared? You wanted to know if he was okay? No one has asked that in a while now.

It seemed to really affect Bruno for some reason, and a tear fell out of his eye. "Oh god, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." You panic and you hold onto Bruno's hand. Bruno pulled up his hood and frantically looked around, seeing if anyone saw that.

"Here," you pulled him gently towards a alleyway. "Let's get you somewhere a bit more quiet." You said. "Okay." Bruno sniffled quietly as he followed you into the small alleyway.

You looked around to see if anyone else was there, then you paid your full attention on Bruno, small tears still trickling from his eyes.

"Again, I'm so sorry." You apologized and Bruno quickly shook his head, trying to wipe the tears from his eyes. "It's not your fault, no one has asked if I was okay in a while now. And I've just been through a lot recently..." Bruno hiccuped, trying to shield his face from you. "I should be the one apologizing. I cried in front of you and I'm dumping my problems onto you." Bruno sniffled.

"You aren't dumping any problems on me. Just, sometimes when you hold so much in, it starts to crack slowly, and even the little things could make you break." You said, and you moved closer to Bruno. "I get what you are saying. I really do. I know we just met, but I have this feeling in my gut to help you. Because, I don't think you are a bad person like everyone says. I think you are just a person with a amazing gift, that no one understands." You say.

A sob escaped Bruno's throat and tears started flowing out of his eyes like a waterfall.

"Awe, it's okay, let it out." You wrapped you arms around him. Bruno was a little stiff at first, but once he got comfortable he rested his head on your shoulder. Bruno let his tears fall from his eyes for a while, about ten minutes of standing in the hug.

Bruno finally stopped and pulled away. "Thank you, so much. That meant more than you can ever know." Bruno said as you smiled. "Of course!"

Bruno wasn't sure who you were and why you helped him, but he feels comfortable with you. He hopes to talk to you again.

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