n.p. - our future

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summary: you and neil discuss your plans after the two of you get out of the academy, disregarding what your parents wanted.
genre: angst & fluff
warnings: unsupportive parents
i watched him closely as he read his book, his eyes quickly going across each line of the page. he was so peaceful, despite being stressed over his course load. we'd both been overwhelmed by the classes this year, neither of us were prepared for the havoc our parents unleashed on us.

my parents had just as high expectations as his, i shall be a lawyer-studying at georgetown law after i graduate, i would join my father's law-firm until i am able to stand on my own. they had it all planned out for me, disregarding whether or not i was okay with the decisions. neil was in basically the same boat with different sails, neither of us liked the lives our parents had planned but we would just have to deal with it.

i continue watching neil as he continues reading, he was oblivious to my gaze but not for long.

"are you okay, (y/n)?"

his words drew me from my own thoughts, "yeah, i'm-i'm just thinking about it all." it was interesting how he could sense my feelings by just reading my facial expressions.

he flipped his book over in-order to keep his page and extended his hand to mine, "i know you're thinking about your parents, i overheard your argument while you were on the phone earlier."

an urge to begin bawling struck you, but you held back any tears. you felt so helpless, like you were trying to hard for a life you didn't even really want. actually, your dreams were to be an author-ever since you were young, you'd always had a knack for writing and story-telling. even your parents knew this, but they always reminded you that it wasn't an option.

"sweetheart, you know me and your father wants what is best for you," your mother would say, "now, quit talking about that and help me in the kitchen, you know your father is going to be upset if he hears you're on that tangent again."

every time you had been shut down-your mother would discourage it, and your father would just shout about how ridiculous it was. much like how neil's parents had been regarding his dream to pursue acting.

"i just want to be a writer neil, do you know how many offers i've been forced to give up just because my parents tell me it won't last?"

"i know love, i know." his thumb grazed the back of your hand as you sat there, biting the inside of your cheek, "but remember, one day-me and you are going to graduate from welton, we will legally be allowed to do what we want! both of us are going to be eighteen when we graduate, so we can run off! i can act, you can write!"

your heart warmed while remembering everything you and neil had planned for your future, even the amount of children you'd have. everything had been decided down to the tiniest detail, and it was the only things, aside from neil, that kept you going.

"see! you're smiling now, you know it will be our reality soon enough-we're over halfway finished."

with that, he grabbed your hand pulling it to where he could kiss your knuckles. maybe you just needed to stop worrying about it.

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