v. periods

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- he knows your cycle very well
"sweetie, do you want me to rub your back?"
- very gentle with you
- knowing your mood can go either one of two ways, anger or sadness.
- if you have homework, he'll try to help you out and make it easier for you
- constantly checking on you
"do you need anything?"
- forehead kisses
- rubbing your back without realizing it


- doesn't know what is going on at first
- when you go from happy to angry, he starts to pick up on it.
"what's wrong?"
- definitely not uncomfortable
- hand holding
- brings you chocolates
- runs his fingers through your hair when you nap
"you look pretty today"
- soft compliments


- very confused when you get angry with him for being cocky
"babe, come on. i was joking!"
- tiny argument builds up.
- after he finds out that aunt flo visited, he apologizes for being mean
- he will leave and come back with blankets
- cuddles is a must
- not for you though
- the cuddles are strictly for him but he denies it


- for someone who's romantic, he doesn't have a single clue
- feels guilty for your pain
- not letting you get out of your bed
- reads to you
- constantly holding your hand
"no, lay back down."
"knox, i gotta pee."
- worries you're somehow breaking


- handles this like a pro
- stays with you all-day
- does your homework for you if it's a school day
- small kisses throughout the day- talking about your favorite things
"do you feel okay?"
- pet names all-day
- temple kisses


- nervous that you'll be sad forever
- talking about your futures
- holds you and rubs your back
"i'll bring you snacks tomorrow."
- hand kisses- shoulder massages
- gets a bath ready before he leaves

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