Greetings/ Game rules

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New game 45% completed... Please do not turn off your willpower or your life will be at higher risk.....

 Please do not turn off your willpower or your life will be at higher risk

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Evo- Hello! I missed you! Do you like my new look? I know I do. Master has been very kind to me, it makes me happy, hehe. Welcome to the third game! Yes, third. Hopefully, you paid attention in the last game to figure that out. I'm surprised you wanted to return. But it's fine, I've been SOOO bored without you! I hope you don't hate me, cause that wasn't me in the other game and my master explained that. I would NEVER get in master's way, ever!

Evo- Anywho, shall I start with the rules? It is the same as always... Kind of. You know that you were supposed to find the killer in the last game... Which you didn't do and your choices had consequences... All those poor people you killed, *wipes tears*. Anyway, you kind of set the rules in this game basically. You wanted to "change" my master while bringing someone back that went through this already... How awful.

Evo- Right... Rules. This game is different. It's hide and seek. This game now has a countdown you see. You have three days to change my master from his evil ways. My master will be always be the seeker and depending on where you hide... Will either kill you or save you as well as the six new players who's lives you ruined. You may either help me or leave them. Remember, you wanted to change Jimin, not save others.

Evo- Moving on, the only killer in this game is my master... You just have to find the X-Man. Yes, one of the six players is helping my master. And of course, it's your job to find out who it is before they get you and the others killed. Oh dear, I forgot about the shadow. The shadow being Hoseok. He will alert Jimin of your whereabouts if you don't hide in time or you get caught hiding by him, so be careful.

Evo- The rules are simple enough right? Hide well, find the snitch and stay hidden from Hoseok... See simple. Don't worry about dying, I'll let you slide for this game, you might even make a friend... If they survive. Let's be honest... Your track record isn't the best. You'll be in a new location as well... Can't have you cheating and shit.

New game 60% completed......

Evo-... Seriously? I said a whole eulogy and you only went up fifteen percent? The fuck is...

 Seriously? I said a whole eulogy and you only went up fifteen percent? The fuck is

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There is a unwilling! Please deal with caution!

Evo- Oh? An unwilling? This is my specialty and I know who it is *chuckles*. Well... While the game continues to SLOWLY load... I'll take care of our troublemaker, can't have anything ruining our reunion. Good bye dearie!

See you soon 😘

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