XX | Tried, True and Faulty

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20 | "tried, true and faulty."


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WHEN THE SUN HAD FINALLY MADE ITS APPEARANCE ON THE COMMUNAL PROPERTY Martha was already awake. She stood before the bathroom mirror and began tying up her long, thick inky tresses into a bun behind her head. Such was the routine since being here. The humidity was getting to her, she'd admit. Or maybe, the pregnancy was making the humidity all the more unbearable. Either way, she needed to get the coarse mop of hair off her neck before she passed out from a heat stroke.

Her stomach was rounding out, not too large but it was present. Hanging low on her abdomen like half the size of a volleyball. Martha hadn't personally been around pregnant women before, nor did she know the first thing about being a pregnant woman herself. However, she supposed she was on the large to average in terms of size.

She needed to remind herself to ask Ahma Uley how big Samuel was as a baby. Especially, because she was told to be incredibly small as a newborn. Martha was mostly nervous about the motherhood part, considering her mother had left at such a pivotal time, but the birth did warrant some concern.

Her body ached. Her feet were sore. Her skin itched and her face was becoming puffy. Not to mention she was starting to obtain veining along her legs.

Apparently, that was called varicose veins. They were red, swollen and ugly in her opinion. Yes, she was glowing but she sure as hell didn't feel like it. Where were all the lovely stories of women being pregnant and practically walking on air like goddesses? The magazines of women smiling and cheerful about bringing life into the world.

Martha was happy about the situation, to be welcoming new life with Sam, but not the side effects this specific situation was causing for her wellbeing.

She had come to the conclusion that pregnancy was far more difficult than society made it out to be.

"Baby, breakfast is ready outside." Sam came into the bathroom where Martha was taking her sweet time to greet her extended family. He sent her a knowing look as he leant against the doorway. "I've been sent in to come get you."

Sam's body practically swallowed every crevice of space within the door frame. His arm propping his frame as he sent her a coy smirk. Martha lightly rolled her eyes at him, sighing with a slump of her shoulders. "Do we have to go out there?"

"Your father is supposed to be making amends with you today," He mumbled softly as if to ease her into it. "You're gonna make him work for it, huh?"

Martha smirked to herself with somewhat self-pity, those fierce set of feline eyes shining ruefully. A rumble of satisfaction took place within her chest at that idea. "Damn right I am, and I should." She pointed her finger accusingly at him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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