XIV | You Brought On The Beast

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14| "you brought on the beast."

This is a long boy 😏

This is a long boy 😏

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   A LARGE FIRE blazed high and mighty before the six Quileute members in the know. It crackled and sputtered in attention. Martha felt the heat flared on her exposed cheeks and neck. She easily discarded her jacket, growing far too warm to fake winter weather courtesy.

   Her brown eyes glowed golden from the fire, casting her tanned skin in an attractive light.

   By now, she was full and somewhat mentally prepared for the age old tale. Sam sat behind her on a log, placing his hands on Martha's shoulders as she got comfortable on the sand. Sue sent the expectant mother a reassuring smile. Despite the omnious atmosphere, she took off the edge.

   Around the campfire, the elders took their places. Billy Black, Harry Clearwater and Old Quil Ateara. From the looks of it, Martha had an inkling to who else would be apart Sam's pack. Not that she knew them all personally, mostly by acquaintance or in passing.

   It seemed this meeting would be the first of many and it sent a exhilarating rush into her veins. Martha wondered her importance in all this. Yes, she was connected to Sam because she was having his child but other than that, her significance seemed belittled in comparison. She felt honored in a sense.

   Billy cleared his throat and suddenly, Martha sat upright from her slouch. There was an atmosphere of respect that needed to be atoned for. Sam did the same as well. Like they were in the presence of their ancestors as well.

   "The Quileutes have been a small people from the beginning," Billy's voice was warm and rich – effortlessly setting the scene to such a grand tale. "And we are a small people still, but we have never disappeared. This is because there has always been magic in our blood. It wasn't always the magic of shape-shifting – that came later. First, we were spirit warriors."

   He enraptured Martha. She would've forgotten Sam's presence behind her if he hadn't kept a firm hand on her shoulders, massaging them tentatively. "In the beginning, the tribe settled in this harbor and became skilled ship builders and fishermen. But the tribe was small and the harbor was rich in fish. There were others who coveted our land, and we were too small to hold it. A larger tribe moved against us, and we took to our ships to escape them.

   Kaheleha was not the first spirit warrior, but we do not remember the stories that came before his. We do not remember who was the first to discover this power, or how it had been used before this crisis. Kaheleha was the first great Spirit Chief in our history. In this emergency, Kaheleha used the magic to defend our land."

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