•~Chapter 3-Familiar Voice~•

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(NC/N)=Nightcord name
Example: Something #1234

Example: K, Yuki, Enanan, Amia

When I got home from school it was the same as it would be everyday: get changed, have a snack and relax for a bit. I had layed down in bed before realising...I had homework. Yay..

I forced myself up and sat at my desk. I logged into my laptop and went to the schools homework system. It was all online which definitely made my life easier. But just as I logged into my laptop...I was swarmed with nightcord notifications.

Enanan and Amia. I wouldn't have guessed. I thought as I opened the main chat. They were both having some argument over something to do with Instagram. Not exactly sure what it was really about since it was all going really fast. But I did notice that Yuki tried to calm them down a bit but didn't succeed.

I sent one message to see if anything would calm down.

(NC/N) today at 4:34
'Soo what's new?'

They stopped sending messages for a few seconds. Then I noticed the "Amia/Enanan is typing...".

Enanan today at 4:35
'Hi (AL). Amia keeps saying that its fair that cat videos get more views than my art on Insta.'

I barely had time to reply before Amia started.

Amia today at 4:36
'But its true! The cat videos are wayyy better than your art.'

I had to stop this before it got worse.

(NC/N) today at 4:36
'Will you 2 just stop for a sec?'

They stopped. Literally for a sec.

Enanan today at 4:37
'Who's side are you on (AL)???'

Yuki today at 4:37
'I don't think they're on any sides..'

(NC/N) today at 4:38
'Exactly. I'm not on anyone's "side". Also if you're gonna fight can you at least do it over vc or something??'

So they went to vc without saying a thing. I had the urge to join but I stopped when I saw that Yuki was typing.

Yuki today at 4:41
'Those 2 really are something. Aren't they?'

I giggled before replying.

(NC/N) today at 4:42
'Yea they are. But they'll get along fine after about an hour or so. I can tell.

Yuki today at 4:43
'I hope they do. I'm going to go work on something. I'll talk to you at 25:00 I guess.'

(NC/N) today at 4:43
'Ok! Bye Yuki!'

Yuki has left the chat.

I decided to check on Amia and Enanan in the vc to make sure they weren't verbally murdering each other or something.

"Yeah well the cats are cuter!"
"But they aren't better!"
"Yes. They are!"
"No they're not! I spend hours making that art and nobody cares! But if there's a 7 second video on a cat being scared of a cucumber, literally everyone cares!"
"That's because the cats are better,
"But they're no—oh. Hi, (AL)."
"What? Oh, hey there, (AL)"

Strange. Amia's voice. It's a...familiar voice.

So was Enanan's...

I brushed it off and continued to chat with the two for about 2 hours. I didn't take a side. I just listened to their debate in anticipation. Anticipation to see who was in the wrong. It seemed pointless in the end because Enanan had given up and left. I stayed on vc with Amia for a bit, talking about nothing in particular.

"Mochi! I'm home!" I head someone call from downstairs. It was my dad.

"Hey, Dad!" I yelled from my room. I got back to the call to hear Amia say:
"You sound like someone I met at school." I responded with:
"Oh yeah you started high school today right? How'd it go?" And now this was the point at which we started to talked about Amia's school life. And mine. But mostly Amia's.

"It went pretty good, actually! I met a super cool person. I'm not gonna name names but they also used UTAU. Like you! They mentioned that they use Renri, Teto, Defoko and Kokoro!"

"They use my UTAU?"
Wait did I not tell Mizuki the same thin—

"Yeah they do! I got their number. But we did get a detention out of it. But that was alright because the principal had somewhere else to be so we got let off!"

Yeah..that happen with me and Mizuki—Oh, my God! Is that why I recognised Amia's voice?

"Hey can I ask you something?" I needed to say something about it. If I didn't, it would bug me for ages!

"Go ahead!"

"Is your first name..Mizuki by any chance?" I hesitated a bit in the question. If it wasn't them then I would have to live with that embarrassment forever.

"Yes..Wait! (N/N)? Is that actually you? Or are you messing with me?" It was Mizuki!

"Yeah, it's me!"

"Oh, my God! I wasn't expecting this. Wow!"

Me and Ami—Mizuki. Were talking for a while before my Dad called me downstairs for dinner. My mom had gone out for a meeting and wasn't arriving until later on.

"Alright, I gotta go. I guess I'll talk to you at 1am?"

"Alright! Also..can we keep that a secret? That we actually know eachover. Just for now?"

"Sure we can do that! Alright, see ya, Mizuki!"

"Bye, (N/N)!!"

[NC/N] has left the chat.

I went downstairs to eat. To my surprise, my mom was home earlier than usual.

"Hey, Mom." I said as I took out my chair.

"Hiya, (N/N)," She responded. She was in a good mood. We all ate our food and talked about our day and stuff like that. After we finished, I went back to my room. I checked the time. 8:00pm. 5 more hours.

Instinctively, I wandered to my computer and opened my files.
"Where did that go?" I searched through my downloads. Eventually, I found what I was looking for.

"Aha! There it is."
A UST for 'A tale of six trillion years and a night' I've been waiting to use this one for Renri.

(Oh yeah follow my Soundcloud. I made six trillion years with Renri on there.
User: killuaheartz)

I was working on the UTAU song for some time, tuning, mixing etc when I realised that it was 10:00pm. Somehow I had spent 2 hours on this song. It was worth it though!

3 more hours.

I had almost finished up mixing and was about to get take a break when I saw a notification from Nightcord.

1 new message.

I was curious so I checked the message out.

Yuki today at 10:07pm
'Hey. I need some help with something and you're probably the best person to ask.'

(NC/N) today at 10:08pm
'Yeah what's up Yuki?'

Yuki needed some help with a track she had been composing. I helped out and once we were done we both logged off.

I stretched and yawned in my chair and looked around my room.

What to do? What to do? Aha! Food.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen. My parents were in the living room. I grabbed some strawberry cheesecake I had saved for one of these times. I put a slice on a plate and took it back upstairs.

As I ate, I kinda just...thought about everything. Amia being Mizuki. Second year of school. Nightcord at 25:00. It kinda all just ran through my brain for a bit.

"They're all nice people.." I said, confidently. I layed back in my bed and stared at my ceiling. I dozed off, forgetting that I have less than 3 hours until 1 am...

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