•~Chapter 7-OWN~•

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This follows N25's main story but in my super special and not at all cringe way.

(NC/N) =Nightcord Name
Example: Someone #1234

Example: K, Enanan, Amia, Yuki

For the big vc part:
Amia- Just Bold
Enanan- Bold Italic
Yuki- Bold Italic Underlined
Kanade- Bold Underlined
You- Just underlined


Nothing really important has happened lately. It's all just been the same. Although, I've been having so weird philosophical thoughts. Well...not really "philosophical".

Enanan. Her voice sound very very familiar now that I listen to it.

Ena. Why didn't I figure it out sooner?


It's the same girl...isn't it? God, I should've figured it out sooner! It was so obvious!

I don't want to confront her yet because I just need to check...for the what? 1000th time? Well, it's worth the..."research".

I started looking through that webpage I saw a few weeks ago. The one that called our music ''scary''. Yeah, still not over that.

I saw a new page. And a popular one at that. A page for a creator that goes under the name of "OWN". I skimmed through it. Nothing particularly interesting, just some people calling it mysterious and scary. However, there was one comment that peaked my interest.

<Their music sounds scarier than N25.>

And there it is again. Scary. I checked the replies.

<Yeah I was thinking that>
<And I thought that no one could beat N25's scary factor>
<This feels more cold than N25. Looks like they have some competition.>


Competition? Over what? How "scary" our music can be? What a joke..

I searched for OWN on YouTube. They were doing really well already. The account was only created about a month ago. I clicked onto a video. Oh what a mistake...

After the song, my mood dropped completely. It was so..cold and painful. No emotion. It reminded me of...Yuki...huh...how strange..

I switched off my PC completely and just took a break. I couldn't get that melody out of my head. It was a total ear worm. And I hated it.

I set an alarm for 12:30 and took a nap. I did need it, considering the lack of sleep I've been getting.


I heard my alarm ring in my ears and woke up. Half an hour until the Nightcord meeting. I booted up my computer again to see if anything had happened. Nothing. Yet.

I found a game online and played for a bit until my second alarm went off, signalling 25:00. I quit the game and logged into Nightcord. I started the vc since, for whatever reason, K hadn't logged in yet.

•~Night Classes-Ena Shinonome x Reader~•Where stories live. Discover now