•~Chapter 4: Where have you been?~•

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(NC/N)=Nightcord Name
Example: Someone #1234

Example: K, Enanan, Amia, Yuki

Certain spelling mistakes are intentional for this chapter

I woke up. Well, more like bolted up. I checked the time 25:26 am. Oh shoot! I fell asleep and forgot about—Damn it!

I quickly logged onto my laptop and into Nightcord.
First thing I saw: K.

K today at 25:27
'Where have you been (AL)?'

(NC/N) today at 25:28
'I'm sorry I fell asleep. I'm just not used to staying up ig.'

K today at 25:29
'It's fine just try not to doze off again. Cone join the vc'

I joined the vc and guess who was the first person who noticed I joined? You would think Amia/Mizuki, right? But it was actually Enanan.

"Hey, (AL) where have you been? We've been waiting for you!"

She said. Now that I think about it, Enanan's voice does sound very familiar. I stayed silent, zoning out.

"Hey, hello? Seriously, (AL) where have you been?"

"Oh! Sorry! Just zoning out. I fell asleep a few hours ago! Sorry..."

"Hmm..fine~ Just don't do that again!"

Yeah, it's very familiar. K started talking to us.

"Right let's actually get some work done."
We all agreed and started work on our first song.

"Alright! I'm gonna head to sleep." I heard Amia say before yawning.

"Yeah, me too." Yuki added. They both left the call and I was left with K and Enanan.

"Soo..what happens now?" Enanan asked us.
"I guess...hmm...we talk until we're tired, I guess?" I suggested.
"But talk about what?" Enanan asked before K said,
"I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow, guys."
We said our goodbyes to K and now I was left with Enanan.

I heard her yawn.
"Alright. I'm gonna head to sleep now. Bye, (AL)." Enanan said, sounding tired.

"Alright, goodnight!" Enanan logged off and I did aswell. I laid in bed and just thought. I soon fell asleep, wondering about the 4 girls I have met recently.

I woke up earlier than usual the next morning. I stopped my alarm before it could go off.

"Here we go again..." I mumbled. I did my daily routine; you get the idea I don't think I have to elaborate.  I went downstairs to see that my dad had already left. I ignored that and headed off to school with Mom.

In the car, my mom brought something up, that really surprised me.

"Y'know, (N/N), I heard Akito is coming back to school today--"

"What?! Really?! How'd you know?!" I was, clearly, excited.

"I am still friends with Akito and Ena's parents. Try look for him today."

I nodded and we arrived at school. We waited a bit before I headed off to class. I tried looking for Akito, before remembering, he was a first year and I was a second. I would have to look for him at lunchtime. I sat in my classroom, waiting for something to happen. Nothing did. Class just went on as normal.

At lunchtime, I saw Mizuki and went to talk to them.

"Hey, Mizuki!" They looked at me and smiled.
"Oh, hey, (Y/N)!"

I sat with Mizuki for a while before they decided that we should go outside before the bell. And we did. It was a nice place, Kamiyama. It was really social. Mizuki giggled a bit then took my arm, telling me to follow them. They took me over to two boys.

One had blue-gray-something like that hair and the other...

"Yo, lil brosef~" Mizuki said. I mumbled something to myself.
He seemed to notice that I said that.

"(N/N)." Mizuki and the other boy just kinda..looked at us.

"You know him?" Mizuki asked. I nodded, still looking at Akito. Everything just went silent for a second.

"Yeah, you're not gonna move at all so let me help out." Mizuki practically dragged me down so that we were both sitting next to the boys.

"Oh and (Y/N), this is Toya." Mizuki said, introducing me to the other boy. I smiled at him, and he slightly nodded at me.

"So, (N/N), where have you been?"

I've been hearing that a lot lately.

"I was in Karuizawa, didn't I tell you?" I said, tilting my head a bit.

"Well yeah, duh, I remember. But it's been too long. Ena's missed you too much...she's starting to get annoying; she's always talking about you." I mumbled a little 'oh' and looking at my lap.

Ena talks about me. That's really nice.

"Sooo..you miss me?" Akito said. I chuckled and lightly punched his arm.

"You know it, dumbass." He laughed.

Me and Mizuki stayed with Akito and Toya for the rest of lunchtime, just catching up and talking about nothing in particular. When the bell rang, we went back to our classrooms and waited for this day to end.

I got Akito's number so we could stay in contact and he also gave me Ena's so I could "shut her up for a while" he told me.

I went back home and to my room. I considered what I should do.

•Talk to Ena and Akito.
•Talk to N25

I was gonna talk to N25 at 1am, so I decided to talk to Ena and Akito. I put us all in a group chat and called it "The Three👾".

That was what most people called us in middle school. The first person to type was Ena.

Ena🖌👑: who what where why how?
Me: Hey Ena.
Me: It's (N/N)
Ena🖌👑: No way
Me: Way
Ena🖌👑:wait srsly like your being fr?
Me: Yep. Ask Akito
Gay Kid Akito😌👌: it is them ena
Me: here we go
Gay Kid Akito😌👌: Oh dear god
-3 minutes later-
Ena🖌👑: So (N/N) how ya been?
Me: what did you do to akito?
Ena🖌👑: Nothing
Gay Kid Akito😌👌: She stranglrd me abd asked why I didnt tell her I saq you at schiol.

(She strangled me and asked why I didn't tell her I saw you at school.)

Me: why am I not surprised?
Ena🖌👑:Because you love me THAT much
Me: Yh no shit Ena
Ena🖌👑: LANGUAGE (Y/N) (L/N)
Me: Yes maam
Ena🖌👑:Oh I gotta go
Ena🖌👑:Night Classes
Me: Night Classes?
Gay Kid Akito😌👌: Yea Ena goes to school in the evening/night rather than the day
Gay Kid Akito😌👌: Lazy ass bitch
Gay Kid Akito😌👌: God you and her are so alike it's scary
Gay Kid Akito😌👌: Anyway I gotta go Toya wants to talk.
Me: Bye Bestie
Gay Kid Akito😌👌: Still as annoying as ever
Me: you know it


yeah sorry that took forever. School just started and my schedule is a bit off
Just be patient with me pls I'm only 13

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