(1) New member?

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                          1st Person POV

        "Ahhh, this is so nerve wrecking..."  I say as I walk into place, inching closer and closer to the audition hall.

Sadly, my best friends couldn't make it with me :( Surprisingly, many people have left the audition hall disappointed and upset. Knowing how much talent I lack, I have a feeling I won't make it into the group. Yes. Group. The world famous group, Wonderland's X Showtime! I've always wanted to join... Ever since I recently watched a performance of theirs from a recorded concert, I began to admire them more and more. 

"Next!" the receptionist calls out. I'm the next person...



I walk in the room and see the one and only Otori Emu standing right next to me. 

"Welcome to the Wonderland's X Showtime audition! I, Otori Emu, will be leading you to the main room of the audition hall!" Emu tells me as she grabs my hand and begins running.

"W-wait! Whats happening? Where are you taking me?" I yell as she giggles and continues speeding down the halls.

After what seemed like a lifetime of running, we entered the place we were meant to perform. The audition hall's Grand Stage Of Wonders. I gawked at the size of the stage, thinking "If I would pass this audition, I'd be able to perform on this amazing stage.."

"You have been specifically chosen to be auditioned in the presence of the Wonderland Showtime crew themselves!" Emu said as she lifted her hands in the air and cheered.

All that was left on my face was a confused expression and a crumb of bread from the burger I had earlier as a snack. Tsukasa just sat at the edge seat of the table, drinking some sort of green substance from his clear cup. 

"Excuse me miss, you have a little something on your face!" Rui said as he used his finger to point out the spot on his own face. 

I immediately began wiping my face with my sleeve as a bright hue of red suddenly started appearing on my face from embarrassment. He began giggling and brought his hands up to the air. "Congratulations!  You have been chosen to join Wonderland's X Showtime's crew!" Everyone yells.

"W-what? But I haven't performed for you yet?" I ask making the question sound like a request. 

"Don't worry about that! We just have a feeling that you would be a great addition to the group!" Emu tells me.


"Who cares, who cares, just go with it!" Tsukasa says before taking a sip from his drink. 

___________|| WxS SEKAI||_____________

"So... This is my outift..?" I ask as I look down on my dress. I mean.. The dress does look pretty but it just isn't my style.. 

"Ahh, we expected you to say that considering it was our last option.. But we can get the plushies to make you a new one! Something that would spark your interest more than this dull showtime dress does!" Tsukasa exclaims and smiles.

I already like it here. The people, the scenery, and sounds, and music, everything. It gives such a cheery vibe. Unlike some other people and places I know... 

The plushies came back with gray leggings, white shorts that go on top of the leggings, a colorful long sleeve top that matches the color theme of the Wonderland crew, and a short sleeve blue tie dye jacket to pull off the rest of the look. I make my way towards the bathroom to change, but suddenly I fee a slight tap on my shoulder. 

"Excuse me Y/N!" Rui says as he hands me a small clip on top hat that matched with the jacket. "You forgot this!" I noticed he had a slight tint of pink in his cheeks but I figured it was just the extra blush the plushies but on for makeup considering there was a last minute practice for another upcoming show. 

"Rui, could you please show y/n what our current dance looks like? She doesn't have to be in the dance since this is her first time." Miku says as she walks over the the rest of the group and begins discussing the dance routine. 

"I'll get right to it. Alright so...-" Rui begins speaking but as I listen to him, I notice something behind him. It was everyone else. Staring at us. Weird...

As I learned the dance with Rui, I did make a few mistakes along the way but thankfully he helped me through it. He seemed like a really energetic person and whenever one of the robots in the area moved around or even twitched, he would look at them. It looked as if he was making sure they weren't broken or damaged. I guess he has an interest  in things like this.

"Ah, be sure to stretch your arms further! It adds emotion and it captures the audience's attention and it helps them realize how much feeling you put into the song." Rui says as he steps behind me and holds my arms and guides me. Something about this specific moment made my heart pump faster. Not in a bad way but... In an excited way I guess. It felt good. He continued leading me throughout the routine until we had to end and all return to the normal world and head home. 

I decided to stay for a few minutes and talk to Miku, Len, and Kaito about SEKAI. They told me that SEKAI worlds were created from someone's true feelings. Feelings about music. After our short conversation, I went into the bathroom to change out of my performance clothes. I then left SEKAI and looked at my phone. "Only 9:40?" I thought to myself. All of a sudden I heard something snap behind me. I ignored it thinking it was just a squirrel who stepped on a stick.

"Hmm.. Maybe I should stop by the convenience store and buy some snacks before I go home..." I think aloud as I begin walking towards the store. Little did I know that I wasn't going to be the only one headed there...










That's the end of chapter one :)

This is the first chapter so sorry for any mistakes. This is a republished booked so if there is anything that seems out of character please tell me!

wanna be my dance partner? ✰ rui kamishiro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now