(3) Show business is tough.

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Hatsune Miku POV

"Where is she? She said she would be here..." I said as I began to frown. We were all waiting on y/n to join us in Wonderland SEKAI but she hasn't come yet. It has been about 15 minutes since we started waiting and we all agreed to arrive at 10:00 am to practice early. 

"Don't worry Miku, she'll come around soon." Kaito said, reassuring me. I hope she's ok...



Ah, come on, come on, come on! You're gonna make me late! I couldn't stop thinking to my self about how late this lady is making me. All I did was accidentally add extra ketchup to her burger and now she's complaining to me about how much of a "dire" mistake this is. 

I rolled my eyes at the customer and asked her "Would you like a new burger?" 

She started staring at me like I just committed a terrible crime. She raised her hand in the air and all of a sudden started yelling "Manager! Where are you! PLEASE FIRE THIS WOMAN!!!"

She started screaming that sentence over and over again but I had no time at all to deal with this crazy lady. I noticed that it was my time to clock out and leave work so I did. As soon as I left the fast-food restaurant, I went straight to Wonderland SEKAI. 

"Hi everyone! Sorry i'm late, some crazy lady got mad at me because I put extra ketchup into her burger haha..." I said as I scratched the nape of my neck. They all stared at me with a blank expression.

"Wow, that lady must have really been crazy.." Nene mumbled as she placed her head piece on to complete her pretty dress. She seemed tired, like she didn't get any sleep at all last night. She was probably nervous since the show had to begin on such short notice.

"Hello everyone! I'm back~" Rui said while spinning around to show us his new costume. It honestly looked stunning on him. 

I smiled seeing the energy and relationship this little group had with each other and it made me really happy knowing how much they all care about each other. They're like a family. 

"Say Y/N, we decided that we never gave you a choice if you wanted to be in tonight's show.. Would you like to be in it? It is your choice after all so don't feel pressured." Kaito asked making sure I didn't feel left out. 

"Of course! I would love to join. If it means helping the group to grow more and helping you guys put on a better show, I'll do it!" I responded to the question with a bright smile. 

After that short conversation, I walked into the bathroom to get changed into my costume. Once I got out, everyone had already begun practicing. I walked over to Rui and asked him "What song are we practicing?" 

"Oh, we're practicing Becoming Potatos! It is one of our most popular songs after all." Rui responded with a wide grin.

We all continued practicing the dance and had plenty of fun together. I feel like this group is my... second home. 



I watched Y/N go over the dance steps and practices and honestly, she's a really good dancer! I'm surprised how quickly she learned the steps. She's a quick learner... She looks really pretty in her costume too! 

I walk over to Kaito and ask him about what type of robotics and animatronics he needs for upcoming shows. 

"Oh! I'll need a regular Robot animatronic for the girls. They're gonna need it for a song but I forgot the title of it haha.." Kaito tells me as he scratches his head.

"ICE CREAM ICE CREAM OVER HERE! POPSICLES AND ICE CREAM!!" We hear a voice say in the distance.

"WHERE?" Kaito yells as he runs toward the direction of the voice.

I decide to walk back over to Miku and the rest of the group and continue practicing. 

--------- 3 hours later 


"Y/N, good job! You're a quick learner it seems!" Emu told me as she followed along with Miku's instructions. 

"Oh thank you Emu! I tried practicing the dance overnight, maybe that's why I seem so familiar with it haha." I replied to her compliment. 

"Alright everyone! That's all for now! Let's take a break and then get ready for the show. It starts pretty soon after all! Everyone return to the real world." Miku says as everyone else cheers. 

In the real world just before the show :)

"15 minutes! 15 minutes! I repeat 15 minutes!" Somebody backstage says. 

I quickly put the rest of my costume on and run straight to everybody else. 

"Alright everybody! Let the star of the show take the lead! I bet i'll shine the brightest during the show HAHA!" Tsukasa exclaims as he raises both his hands in the air. He does an... interesting- pose to go along with his hands.

"Oh, shut up.. I bet even Robo-Nene could do better than you.." Nene says while looking at her phone. 

"What did you just say to the future star?" Tsukasa yells.

"5 minutes! 5 minutes! Please prepare to get on stage!"

As we hear those words, we can hear the crowd outside go wild. Suddenly I feel a shiver down my spine. I must just be nervous... I look at my hands and notice they're shaking. Oh no. If I start throwing a nervous breakdown right on stage i'll ruin everything. I then notice Rui walking towards me. 

"C'mon Y/n! Cheer up, feeling nervous like this is never good. If you walk up that stage with pride and joy, I'm sure the fans will love you! After all, that's what the fans love." Rui says, reassuring me with me smile. He then walks away to go and prep up Robo-Nene to autopilot. 

This show is my debut show. I'll walk on that stage with pride and joy. I'll show those jerks for kicking out of the group and saying that I have no talent. Just watch me. 








End of Chapter 3 :))

I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! School just started and its getting really complicated lmao. There is currently no chapter release schedule so there might just be random posts here and there, sorry! See you guys in the next chapter :))

This chapter was not edited-

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