(10) Will This Be A Problem?

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"It's you again huh..?" I finally spoke. Akia turned her head to face me and smiled wickedly.

"So the untalented finally uses her voice, not like you should've considering how horrid your voice sounds but oh well."  Akia said bring her hands up to the table and resting her head on her palms. 

I rolled my eyes and continued eating what I hadn't finished of my f/f. 

"So I hear you're performing with this little group here huh." One of Akia's friend's said. That friend just happened to be my ex. I hated his guts with all my heart. "Y'know I tried convincing Akia to let you back in but she said no, sorry dear."

I could feel a vein pop in my forehead as I stared down at my food. I looked back up and saw Emu trying to keep her smile up. It was quite obvious she didn't want that smile on but she had to for appearance. 

I stood up and walked over to the side my ex was at. His name was Aiko. He just so happened to be Akia's older brother. I stood at his side and brought up my hand. I began making a movement as if I was reeling something in with a fishing rod and slowly lifted up my middle finger. I held it up to his face and smiled, then I walked out of the restaurant, waving goodbye to my co-workers. 

I stood at the side of the building and then sat down on a bench to the side. I sighed and looked to the sky. Why are they so annoying?

Rui's POV

Once Y/N left, I saw Emu get up and glare at the man with similar color hair to Akia. He glared back at Emu as Akia took out her phone and started scrolling through social media. 

"She's such a wuss that she can't even talk to her own ex." Akia said, rolling her eyes and kicking her legs up onto the table. 

Her ex?

She has an ex?

Hiro must have known. 

Maybe i'll ask him about it later. 

Time skip!!

As Akia and her group began to leave, I tugged on Hiro's t-shirt. 

"You need something?" Hiro asks me as he turns around. 

"I need to ask you about Y/N's ex." I plainly stated. He nodded back at me and followed me to the corner of the restaurant. 

"So, when Y/N was still in our group, Akia's brother, Aiko, dated Y/N. He ended up cheating on her with another girl in our group so they broke up. That was when I started li- Y'know what nevermind.." He explained then paused for a second. I already knew his situation so I didn't pressure him to continue on. I nodded and him and then he asked me: "Was that all you needed?" 

I nodded once again, he smiled, then left. I sighed as I walked back to everyone else. 

"What happened there Emu?" Tsukasa asked, glancing at her. "You don't seem as cheery as you were when we got here. 

"It's nothing, I'm just fine." Emu said, hanging her head to the floor. 

"Are you sure? If anything, a future star like ME can cheer you up anytime!!" Tsukasa said, doing a bunch of poses to try and help Emu cheer up. I giggled and stood next to all of them. 

"If this pose isn't good enough, what about... THIS ONE!" Tsukasa exclaimed doing a weird, yet silly pose. 

Emu stifled a laugh and smiled. Soon enough, she began laughing just like her usual self. 

"Shall we go find Y/N?" I suggested. Everyone agreed as we started calling her phone, calling out her name, and searching for her. We all looked until I found her in a small corner behind the building. I hadn't told anyone I found her yet so I walked over to Y/N and sat next to her. 

"C'mon, a happy miss like you should be proud and happy! Who needs those jerks anyways, you have us!" I told Y/N, placing a hand on her shoulder. 

She sighed, looked up at me, and I saw a small smile tug at her lips. I smiled back, and got up. I reached my hand down for hers in attempt to help her up, and she accepted my offer. She got up and hugged me. It was so sudden. 

Suddenly, I heard small sniffles coming from Y/N. She was.. crying? I hugged her back, knowning very well she needed a good hug. We stayed like this for a minute until everyone else came and saw us. 

"Y/N!!" Emu called out, joining the hug. Tsukasa quickly joined in, probably because he just wanted to join too. Nene just stood there until Emu pulled her in into the hug. We all silently listened to Y/N's cries until she slowly began to stop. 

"I-I don't k-know why they keep following me wherever I-I go.." Y/N silently said.


I walked Y/N home along with Tsukasa since apparently his house was along the way as well. 

"Does the dear Y/N need a cheer up pose from the future star, Tsukasa Tenma?" Tsukasa said, trying to break the loud silence. Y/N nodded, blankly staring at Tsukasa. 

He paused for a second to think of a pose that would cheer up Y/N until his eyes suddenly lit up with excitement.  He then began making another silly pose and said: "How's this Y/N? Does this pose look good to you?" 

Y/N had a small smile on her lips and just like Emu, she began to laugh. 

"My poses always work haha!" Tsukasa complimented himself. 

As we dropped Y/N off, she waved at us and then walked inside. 

"So Rui. This is serious." Tsukasa begins. 

"Do you..."










End of chapter 10!!

Once again, sorry for the short chapter, this story IS about 950 words (not including A/N) so sorry! I'm in a lot of drama right now and it's annoying so expect late chapters!

I'll try and make the next chapter longer, thank you for reading! Have a nice day/night and see you in the next chapter!! :)

wanna be my dance partner? ✰ rui kamishiro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now