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Marinette's POV

That was a close call.

Damian Wayne almost got akumatized.

There's only a handful of people who have been able to do reject an akuma like that. Namely me, Chloe... the list is short. Maybe I should watch out for Wayne. The people of Paris were used to this, but maybe he could use a little help.

The rest of the school day was horribly boring, I had finished all of my assignments, and pulled out my sketchbook for designs. I kept my nicer sketchbook at home, just in case this one got stolen or ruined, it wouldn't be the first time. The last time it happened, Alya "accidentally," spilled coffee all over it.

Similarly, Damian also pulled out a sketchbook. Instead, he started drawing or sketching something. Our of the corner of my eye, I looked over, and he was drawing a Great Dane. He was really talented.

I didn't say anything, I just kept to myself. I didn't know if he could be trusted, or if he even wanted to interact with other humans based on his run in with Lila.

When the final bell rang, signifying the end of the school day, I scribble down my number on a torn piece of paper.  I thrust it into his hands without a word.

Damian stares between me and the paper in confusion, "What is this—"

"I believe it's my phone number. You can throw it away, I don't really care. But if you ever need someone to talk to at school, you have options." I descended down the stairs before he gets a chance to thank me, but Damian doesn't seem like that type to do so. I step over feet that are obviously trying to trip me, and start walking home.

I was thankful for the peace and quiet of my room, but I was still busy as ever. MDC and Ladybug took over my home life. Late last night, I received a new commission, but was interrupted by patrol with Princess Honey and Chat Noir.

I recently opened my brand to international commissions, instead of just Europe, trying not to overwhelm myself. It didn't work, and I had hundreds of requests for designs and commissions from all over the world. It was daunting, but I was still trying to broaden and expand MDC's reign.

I clicked the first email, and it was an order for a dress for an upcoming gala. It was for one Ms. Selina Kyle in Gotham City.



When I clicked on how much she wanted to pay me, my eyes bugged out of my head. It was a ton of money. Another thing about MDC, was that I decided to donate half of my rewards to charity. But even cutting the price in half, I would be able to pay for my first two years of college.

I accepted her request, specifically, a black dress for a New Year's Eve Charity Ball.

I emailed her back, saying that I would love to design for her, and for her to send me her measurements over.

I searched her up online, curious as to what would come up. She was one of the Gotham Elite, and all the pictures that came up were her modeling pictures, or her posing on red carpets at various events. It would be worth it to design for her just for the exposure.

I started with sketches and ideas of what I envisioned her dress, and then I got to working. It would be a long night, but luckily I had Tikki to keep me company.


Damian's POV

I clutch the piece of paper with Dupain-Cheng, ahem, Marinette's number in my hands while Grayson picks me up after school. My eyes flicker to the girl herself, who is walking across the street to her bakery and home.

Grayson honks at me when I don't immediately spot him, and roll my eyes as I enter the car.

"Hi Dami! Anything interesting happen today?" Grayson asked me, finding the enthusiasm to do so out of thin air. When I don't answer, he shares about his day, "Police work here is boring, I'm stuck working at the Louvre. Anyways—"

Fearing he may talk forever, I state, "Tt. It was boring, I almost got akumatized."

Grayson takes his eyes off the road, to look at me. Then he looks forward as he violently turns the car around, weaving through traffic.

"What are you doing?" I exasperatedly ask him.

"Getting you to the nearest Boom Tube. You're going back to Gotham." He says, clipped, his emotions opposite of what they were only a moment ago.

"No!" I shout at him.

"No? Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't." He says, still racing through downtown Paris.

"Father has entrusted me to do this. If I let him down, it'll only show him I'm not ready to handle things on my own. I can't let him down." I answer honestly.

Grayson stops his antics. "So why didn't the akuma alert go off?" He says, driving us back to our base of operations.

"My classmate stopped me. It is easy to resist the pull of Hawkmoth 𝐢𝐟 you're strong willed. And I'm one step closer to figuring out who Ladybug is."

The Justice League could not figure out the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir.

"How?!?" Grayson exclaims.

"She goes to my high school. Ladybug purified the akuma seconds after it left me, and the window was open in the classroom. Which means that the rest of the heroes could go to the high school. I know we expected them to be young, but not this young."

"Good job Damian," Grayson compliments. Then he addresses the elephant in the room. "What's in your hand?"

"Nothing," I reply cooly. I don't make a move to take back my hand, because I'll only come across as suspicious.

"It's not nothing, if you haven't thrown a piece of paper away." Graysons states, but suddenly snatches the paper out of my hand.

"Eyes on the road!" I yell at him as the car swerved. I tried to get it back from him, but he held me back.

"Dami, this somebody's number?"


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