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Marinette's POV

The first snowfall to happen this week, and it made me excited.

Paris was nicer during Christmas, the decorations made the City of Lights come to life, and people were just nicer during this time of the year.

Things between Damian and I were still tense. I didn't know how to reach out to him, despite being so close. My parents had wondered where he had been lately, and I couldn't give them a straight explanation.

In class, we're silent. No teasing, no jokes, and no words are traded between us.

Damian stretches, and his sweater bunches up on his arm. There's a large bruise that spans across his forearm, but Damian as quickly and nonchalantly as he can, pulls down his sweater to cover it.

I want to ask him if he's alright, but it suddenly hits me. Damian has a bruise exactly where Robin should have one. Exactly where I kicked his arm to knock his sword out of his grip.

Without processing what's about to come out of my mouth, I ask him, "Where did you get that bruise from?"

Damian immediately answers, "Grayson is police officer, he teaches me self defense. We sparred, and I lost." The way he says it doesn't convince me.

I nod along, "I was just making sure you're okay."

My mind is reeling with possibilities, as the lunch bell rings, and I head to the library, because I need time to think.

I aimlessly walk, wondering if Damian Grayson, actually Damian Wayne, could be Robin.

My eyes widen as I think about the time we went for ice cream, and mine was red, green, and yellow. I thought it was some sort of joke because it was Robin's colors, but if Damian was in fact Robin, it made perfect sense. And Damian Wayne is from Gotham City, and so is Robin. Does this mean...

A hand slams on the table, interrupting my thoughts.

"Maritrash, what are you doing here?" Lila sneers above me.

"It's the library, I'm allowed to be here." I answer back, sounding as bored as ever.

"You're at my table." Lila claims,

I look around, eyeing the four empty tables around us. Instead of pointing them out to her, I decide to press her buttons, "You don't own anything."

"Are you sure about that?" She questions, and my veins turn cold. "The entire class is under my control. If I scream, and fall down, they'll believe you pushed me out of my seat," Lila says with a smirk, slowly circling around the table.

"No they won't." A third voice adds to the situation.

It's my knight in shining armor. Damian.

"Why would they believe you, emo kid?" Lila tries to insult him. I want to laugh, because all Damian wears is black. Sometimes grey. But I haven't seen any other color on him.

"Because I was recording everything. You try to blame this on Mari, I can guarantee that everyone will receive a copy of this, and know the truth. Isn't that right, Lily Ross?"

Lila freezes, a deer in the headlights. She recognizes the name.

"Lily Ross?" I repeat in confusion.

"You win this round Marinette. But you won't win next time." Lila says, angrily stomping away.

Damian walks over, standing where Lila used to be. He looks conflicted, not knowing whether to walk away or sit down. Tikki pushes against me from the inside of the bag, and I know I have to do something.

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