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Damian's POV

Grayson was taking much longer than usual to walk to the dining room, but I didn't mind. These halls seemed like a maze at times, and I could tell that was exactly what Marinette was thinking.

However, with time, came questions.

"So Demon Spawn! Is this your girlfriend?" Todd asks suggestively. Marinette blushes and stammers for an answer.

I emphasize to him, "This is Marinette. She's my friend from Paris."

"Yeah, I've known him for almost a year" Marinette says, finally regaining control. She side eyes me for a moment for calling her a friend, but I didn't know what to say.

We were more than friends, but less than lovers.

Todd's eyes gleam with an evil sheen, but luckily we make it to the dining room. I figure that he would stop the comments, but I was wrong.

"You couldn't find anything better?" Jason asked out of the blue. Marinette's face drops, and I regret ever bringing her here. She did not need a repeat of Paris.

"What?" I asked in a threatening voice. "Don't you dare insult her, Todd."

Todd smiles, he has effectively gaged how much I care about Marinette. "I wasn't insulting her, sorry Marinette. The question was directed towards her, not you Damian. You seriously could do so much better than him." Todd jerks his thumb in my direction.

Grayson puts a hand on Todd's shoulder. "And here's the dining room! Play nice, Jason."

Todd shrugs off Grayson's touch, "I am."

Marinette's POV

I've met two of Damian's brothers, but I know there's one more. No, I didn't stalk them on the internet, I just liked to come prepared.

Another boy, ahem, man walks into the dining room, instantly plopping himself in a seat. He wasn't as tall or lean as his siblings, but he was still good looking and strong. He looked permanently tired.

This was Timothy Drake.

His eyes meet mine, and his jaw drops.

He points at me, "You're—You're—"

"Marinette. Nice to meet you?" I question, unsure why he has such an exaggerated response to meeting me.

"You're the girl that stood up to the Riddler a few days ago," he accuses, and he's right.

I hoped people wouldn't be able to recognize me for that, but a few had on the streets of Gotham. I had holed up in my apartment ever since, because I didn't want to make a mess of things, more than they already had been.

My eyes widen, and I look over at Damian for help. What am I supposed to say to that?

"Yeah, I know," Dick informs the group. "I'm the one who showed Damian it. You could say that I'm the reason she's here tonight."

"You stood up to the Riddler? Huh, tiny but mighty." Tod—Jason. Jason Todd says.

I scowl at him, I was not tiny. Besides, I'm pretty sure I could judo flip him without breaking a sweat.

"I am not tiny," I defended myself, but I could see Dick laughing out of the corner of my eye.

"Don't be offended, Jason makes fun of everyone. It's his thing, it hides his fragile masculinity." Dick teases him, while Jason glares.

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