94. Ocean

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Heavy dark clouds were seen above
And I was free falling down to the ocean
I felt the wind, the gravity pulling me down
And the moment where I hit the water so loud

I was trying to keep afloat
But the water's pulling me close
I kept my buoyancy light
But I was still sinking in fright

The feeling of thirst that were instantly quenched by salt water
And the seconds I slowly sunk under
I felt cold and the thirst easily turned into drowning
I extended my dominant arm but I kept sinking

I was drowning in peace, the crashing waves was all I hear
Inches turned to meters and I was completely submerged
The deeper I descent the darker it became
And I kept my eyes closed until I am completely lost

My thirst was fed up too much that I drowned
It's like the beautiful water that devours me
The crippling minutes where I feel misery
And the darkness below that engulfed me

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