Chapter 5: Home of The Fools

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𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙞𝙫𝙚

(Y/N)'s p. o. v. 🌝

It wasn't long before I realized I couldn't fall asleep.

The excitement of meeting SplendorMan and him basically handing me over some magic powers kept me up all night, and I was looking forward to seeing what exactly I was going to be getting myself into.

I spent most of the night fiddling around with the riddler chain and picking out cards from the transformation deck. I so badly wanted to change into that "CreepyPasta" or Circus-Freak form again, just for the sake of how much powerful and stronger I felt, but I knew SplendorMan had urged me to wait. Besides, I couldn't know if Danny's 'friend' was still around...

Another reason why I couldn't bring myself to sleep? I was worried about entering that strange dream I had the other night where Danny had introduced me to his new friend, the one that somehow looked a bit familiar to me. I wondered if the one I was actually able to see was also trying to kill my brother—I mean, he honestly looked more shady than he did nice.

I check the time on my phone and it's only 1AM. Frustrated, I shove my face forwards into my pillow, knowing I'd have to suffer for who knows how many hours before SplendorMan showed up again. Really wished I asked him for the exact time he would come back...

I pick up my phone again and boredly play around with it for a bit. I find myself eventually typing in "Jack The Clown" because I was curious about this presumed imaginary murderer my brother was hanging with and wondered if anyone else had experienced him before.

What I find was horrifying.

Just a bunch of articles and files about children who had gone missing or had been horrendously slaughtered by this "imaginary clown" that wasn't so imaginary after all. I ended up finding photos that shouldn't have been on the internet in the first place and the images made me want to throw up my insides.

Insides that none of these children seemed to have anymore...

After recollecting myself, I started looking for accounts of Jack himself. All I get are illustrations or drawings of what the suspected guy look like, based off of children's descriptions of him. Almost all illustrations have the exact same main features; long greasy and stringy looking black hair, white almost colorless eyes and a long pointed stripe cone nose, a black feathery neck ruffle and monochromatic schemed clothing like that a clown would wear. He also had really pale skin, and seemed to be described as towering somewhere above 7-8ft.

After scrolling through a bunch of the images, I had a clear idea of who I was dealing with here, and honestly, I don't understand how Danny thinks that guy is actually friendly. He literally looks like the epitome of something that will tear you apart for entertainment and enjoy every moment of it.

The fact that I was dealing with him now since he has a grasp my brother, and knowing that my brother might be the next child death case online bugged me to the point that I felt my own throat closing in on itself.

Out of nervousness, I pull myself out of bed and decide to go check on Danny real quick before forcing myself to actually go to sleep. I pull on my boots and shuffle out of my room hazily, approaching the door that was just across from mine. Upon opening the door however, I notice that my brother's sheets were thrown over messily, and the space atop of the mattress was empty.

He was gone again.

"Dannabeth?" I snap my dumb nickname for him, heading over to his closet to check to see if he was hiding there. Afterwards, I head out of his room and start searching down the whole house like I had done last night.

Foolhardy: Laughing Jack X NB!Reader X Candy PopWhere stories live. Discover now