Chapter 8: To Hate or Not To Hate

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𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

I'm still in a worn out, weakened state by the time Candy Pop, Laughing Jack, and I arrive back at the Midnight Machination Carnival.

My arms were wrapped tightly around Candy Pop's neck, despite the fact I generally disgusted both of them. I'm surprised he came across like he didn't mind, since so far he's been more hostile towards me than Laughing Jack was.

My eyes were glazed as I watched the rotted rides of the fairgrounds as we passed by, slowly approaching the House of Splendor. Somehow, the creepy, haunted carnival park was slightly calming to me. It seemed like a terrible, scary place, but I was currently being carried by the literal scariest inhabitants here. I

"Eh, how are you fairing up there, Riddle?"

I hear Laughing Jack's sudden question and warily raise my chin up from Candy Pop's hair. I see we had stopped just before the doors of the Splendor House.

"I still feel a bit off...not sure why," I mumbled lowly, "maybe once we get inside Splendor could help me out or something."

"Surely," Candy Pop responded. "But if I have to, I'll just carry you inside till you can walk on your own."

I smirked a slight bit, "You don't sound too thrilled about that, Mr. Fool~"

"Oh trust me, I'm not," Candy Pop scoffed. "Well then let me help the Riddler, you selfish twat," Laughing Jack snapped. "Me selfish?? I carried Riddle all the way here you ignoramus!"

I grabbed a handful of Candy's hair and pulled, "Both of you knock it off!"

They immediately quieted down and I chuckle aloud, "Oh but I'm flattered you both feel the need to carry little ol' me. How charming."

Candy Pop crossed his arms and gave a prideful 'Hmph' while grabbing ahold of my legs. Laughing Jack rolled his eyes and turned, stepping up to the doors of the house which caused them to open up on their own.

We all walked inside and I once again looked around in awe as I took in the strange phenomena of the main room. I see one of the Circus-Freaks hanging out on one of the floating staircases, swinging their legs as the three of us entered. "Awh! Pop you're back!" The pasta who turned out to be Candy Cane exclaimed, fearlessly leaping from off the stairs and landing swiftly on the ground before us. "Eh...what's wrong with that Riddler fella..."

"They're weak, that's what," Candy scoffed, which caused me to jam my heels into his chest. "Fool, The Riddler isn't weak," Laughing Jack hissed. He then glared at me and grinned, "If only Cane saw how Riddle made mincemeat of that little bratty girl..."

"Eeeeeeexactly~! Thank ya Jack!" I exclaim at the Clown, grateful he brought up my so-called 'kill'. "Awhh so you guys got to see Riddler's kill style without me? Noo fair..." Candy Cane whined, comically hanging her head. "Well maybe tag along next time instead of fooling around with your dumb hammer, why don't ya," Candy Pop shrugged. "You say this as if you and Jack weren't playing 'toss the massive hammer and knock down innocent trees' while I went to survey our prey," I rolled my eyes and smirked. "Quiet you," Candy growled, glacing upwards at me.

I can't help but glare down at his dumb, clownish, yet creepy face and start chuckling. He blinks and frowns, "What's so funny!?"

"You, idiot! You're so outrageously despicable that it's amusing! Hahah!"

I didn't mean to actually say that out loud but the effects of my CreepyPasta form made me feel silly... and in an unusually good mood.

Candy Pop went quiet and Laughing Jack bursts out laughing hysterically at my commentary while holding his head. Candy Cane glared at me before crossing her arms, "You're pretty bold, saying that about my brother!"

Foolhardy: Laughing Jack X NB!Reader X Candy PopWhere stories live. Discover now