Chapter 6

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Word Count: 694


Y/n Pov:
"Hi, you must be Y/n" Mr. Williams says with a soft smile as I walk into the classroom. I nod my head "Yep. That's me". I give him my paper to sign and he gives it back once he's done. "You can go ahead and take a seat next to Wyatt near the back. Wyatt please raise your hand!".

I look to see a guy with brown hair and greens eyes raise his hand. I give the teacher a small smile as a thank you and head to my seat. "Hi" Wyatt says as I sit. "Hey" I reply. "I'm Wyatt" he holds a hand out to shake. I reach my hand out and shake it "Y/n". "That's a nice name" he says. "Thank you" I reply.

I notice Bella walk through the door and I wave at her. I see a look of relief come across her face as she happily waves back. The teacher then tells her something as she gives him the paper to sign. Mr. Williams gives the paper back and points in our direction.

Bella walks over and sits in the seat in front of us. She turns in her seat to face us "Hey". I give her a soft smile "Hi". "I'm so glad I have this class with you" She says. "Me too. Have you made any new friends yet?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders "Kind of. Do you remember that from lunch?" I nod my head "I think so. Are you talking about Edward?".

"Mhm" she answers. "I tried to talk to say hi to him during lunch but he just ignored me". Wyatt then makes his way into our conversation "Wait- are you guys talking about Edward Cullen?". Me and Bella nod our heads. "Good luck with that. Him and his siblings barely talk to anyone".

"Not Jasper and Alice" Bella says. No offense, but does she not think? I give Bella a 'seriously' look and she looks back apologetically. Wyatt raises a brow "How come?". "I met them a few days ago and they were pretty nice. They also helped me around the school" I explain.

Before our conversation could go any farther the tardy bell rang and class started.


After of what felt like an eternity the bell rang and class was over. I packed my stuff and waved at Bella "See you later Bella". She waves back with a small "Bye" as I walk out the classroom. I then wait by the door for Jasper to come so we can get Alice.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and look over to see Wyatt with a small smile. "Why are you waiting?". "Me and Jasper are gonna walk to class together with Alice" I say. "Well it seems like he's taking a bit, so if you want I could walk you to class" he suggest. I shake my head "No, it's alright. The bell just rang so I'm sure he's on his way". He softly chuckles and nudges me "Aw come on. I'm sure they won't mind. Let's just walk together".

I go to decline his offer again but suddenly Jasper approaches us. "Hi Y/n. You ready to go?". I notice a look of annoyance flash across Wyatts face before he covers it up with a smile.


3rd Pov:
Y/n nods her head with a small smile "Yeah". She then waves to Wyatt "Um, see you layer Wyatt". "See ya later Y/n" Wyatt replies. Y/n starts to head in the direction of their class but stop when they notice Jasper wasn't following.

They look behind them and see Jasper leaning into Wyatt. "Next time a women says 'no', it means no. Understand?" Jasper says in a deep voice. Wyatt nods his."Yeah" he replies in a slightly annoyed tone.

Jasper gave Wyatt a stern look before walking to Y/n. "What was that about?" Y/n asked. "Not anything important. Wyatt just had a question about the assignment for a class that we have together" he answered. "Oh okay" Y/n says, believing the lie that Jasper told.


A/n: So I changed the classes with Bella to 1st, 3rd, and 6th. I'm sorry if there are any grammer mistakes. Pls make sure to drink water and eat something. I hope you have a good day or night <3

Y/n Schedule:
1 - Health w/ Bella
2 - English
3 - P.E w/ Bella
4 - Physics w/ Alice
5 - History w/ Jasper
6 - Algebra w/ Bella
7 - Bio w/ Jasper, Alice, Edward, and Bella

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