Chapter 18

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Word Count: 738


3rd Pov:
After the two girls went home with their fathers, Bella invited Y/n to stay the night at her house, telling her that there was something she needed to tell her.

"So, what did you need to tell me?" Y/n asks their friend, sitting on the bed. "I have a theory or a feeling,  I guess, about the Cullens" Bella answers. She was sitting at her desk, looking through articles about vampires. Y/n raises a brow, "What is it?".

"Jacob called them the cold ones" Bella explains. "Cold ones?" Y/n wonders. "Let me show you" Bella suggest, waving the girl to come closer. Bella shows them how some descriptions of the mythological creatures are similar to the Cullens.

"Have you ever notived how pale their skin is, or how they don't ever eat, and how they don't come out in the sun?" Bella questions the girl. Y/n thinks back to times she has noticed these things about Jasper and Alice, but she had just brushed them off. Maybe she was right when she had thought that they were inhuman a few nights ago.

"I-I have" Y/n stutters. Both teens were shocked. If they were right about how the Cullens were vampires, what would happen? "It may sound impossible but it just seems so similar" Bella tells her.

"Your right. I did notice some strange things about them. Especially that day Edward saved you" Y/n says. Bella nods her head, "It's weird". "Should we tell them we know?" Y/n looks at Bella.

"W-we should" Bella looks back at her friend. "Do you want me to do it with you?" Y/n asks, "I saw how Edward can be". Bella shakes her head, "No, I'll be fine. Edward would never hurt me".

Y/n softly sighs, "Bella, how can you be sure?". "Because he would've done it already. He also wouldn't of saved me" Bella tells them, "And how do you even know that Jasper or Alice won't hurt you either?".

"Jasper, Alice, and I have feelings for one another. They care about me too much to do so" Y/n replies. Bella sighs and looks down at her computer. Y/ns brows furrow in worry, "What is it?".

"I just wish Edward and I could have the same relationship as you three" Bella admits, "They're just so loving with you and it happened so easily. I wish it could've been like that with Edward".

"Oh, Bella" Y/n cooed, putting hand on her shoulder as an attempt for comfort. Bella softly laughs, "You know, instead of him being so quiet and acting like somethings wrong me me".

"Nothing is wrong with you, Bella" Y/n reassures the girl, "He's proabbly just trying to get used to that's all. He obviously cares about you enought to save you twice". Y/n and Bella chuckle together. "Your right" the girl agrees.

"We should get to bed now though" Y/n suggests, "It's getting late". "Mhm" Bella hums, standing up from her spot to stretch with a yawn. Y/n makes a pallet on the floor as Bella shuts the lights off before laying on her bed.

"Goodnight, Bella"

"Goodnight, Y/n"


Meanwhile at the Cullens, Alice just had a vision about their mates decision. "Are they really gonna confront us tomorrow?" Edward questions. "Yes" Alice answers, "Tomorrow, after school".

Edwward groans and runs a hand down his face in annoyance. He didn't want Bella to be part of this. He wanted her to live a normal life, to be human. He did care about her, but it was hard to show since he always had the urge to kill her when around them.

As for Alice and Jasper, they didn't mind. Jasper was scared that he would lose control around them but he had practiced to become better, just because he had loved you. Alice was excited for you to become part of their lives for she had already seen all of the great and doting moments you three would have with each other.

Jasper looked at Edward and used his powers to help calm him down. "It'll be alright, Edward" Alice tells him, "We'll be able to keep them safe until it's time to turn them. Which won't be until a long time". Jasper nods his head in agreement, "She's right".

"I hope so" Edward sighs.


A/n: Hello! I apologize for any grammer mistakes. I tried writing on a laptop this time and it was pretty late when I did, so I didn't see much of the keyboard. I did type a little faster though, so that was good. Anyways, I hope that you all have a good day/night and make sure to take care of yourselves💖

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