3. Extinct of the fang pack II

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Marie fought with all she had, her pack seems to be on the losing end, many warriors has fallen the gamma Devin was killed and even the beta Norman seems to be in a terrible

Lot of women and children were killed and some were being hunt down the enemy wants to make sure they went extinct totally.

"Marie get out of here, we can't win this you have to stay alive",

Norman said through the pack mind link.

"No, I won't leave you all behind".

"Don't be sturborn , you will get yourself killed at this rate".

"Then let me die".

She turn and rush to attack the wolf coming her way. Using her bloody canine to tear open his neck before slamming him to the floor.

She was slammed to the wall by another wolf , and the impact made her dizzy and sick to the stomach but still her wolf growled and attack the black wolf ferociously.

She drop him dead and was about to go to her next target when she felt a sickening break of her bound to Jed. No she thought as her mind screamed, all jumbled together .

The pain was so overwhelming that she drops to her knees clutching her chest.

even the rest of the pack felt the death of their Alpha since they were all connected to him.

But Marie felt it worst it was like falling off the cliff and breaking all the bones in one's body.

" Nooooooooooooo"

She screamed clutching her chest as she curl up on the ground Unable to carry her weight.

She groan in serious pain as the fight went on and cries of agony rang through the air.

She tried standing up which she succeeded in doing but she staggers on her feet .

the wolf that went for her slashed her in the side and she took it in unable to fight back, exhausted beyond measure.
She tried raising her hands to block the next attack but she was stab from behind, by a half shifted wolf who had his hands buried deep into her chest and squeezing her heart .

She gasps as he pulled his hands out with her still beating heart.

Blood gush out her open mouth as she fell to her knees her eyes unblinkingly open.

" Ava",she called as she breathes her last.

Sarah materialize in the mount pack where Marie brother rules she knocks on the entrance gate as Ava shook tired for the day.
The gate was open by a guard after he checked the footage for who was outside.

"I want to see the Alpha"

She said to the guard.


He spoke through their pack mind link , they seem to be some agreement 'cause of the expression on his face.

"Come in Kyle will take you to the Alpha apartment".

The said Kyle was a blond with hundreds of freckles on his face he was lean and straight the second glance kind of guy.

Reaching the Alpha apartment, west was waiting outside his apartment with his Luna and his beta and gamma.

On seeing Ava he rush forward.

" You look pale"

Her uncle said his deep voice echoing in her skull.


Sarah bowed in greeting while Ava stood feeling numb.

" What going on what brings you both here by this of the night in such rough state".

West said.

"Our palace was attack by the enemy, in both realm".


"We came to our realm to seek shelter only to be met with same disaster",

Sarah said.

"Where are the Alpha and Luna?"

"Alpha Jed" is in the human realm battling the rogues who infiltrate our home.while Luna Marie is at the palace battling this same rogues, it was a set up".

"Why didn't they call for backup?"

"It was an unannounced attack."

Ava keep mute this whole time.

"Elena please take Ava inside. Andrew call the pack warriors.he said to his beta. Hunter call our allies from other packs and make them aware of what going on".

"Sarah come with me and brief me of what going on , tonight will be a blood bath if anything happens to my sister and her mate.


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