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~Demetrius POV~

I don't understand why Ryan is yet to come and see me. I mean he is in town and he is procrastinating on his visit.

Well, Ryan is my step brother. He is kind of older than me. My dad got married to his mother before mine so... Well, my dad is dead now.

I sighed and shrugged as I stepped out of the car and headed towards the house. I pushed the door open and went in.

My mother and Maureen were busy giggling about something. I smiled and shook my head. "Mom."

"See who finally came back." Maureen said and ran towards me.

"Baby girl." I said and carried her.

"How was work?" She asked.

"Well, work is fine. And besides how was school?" I asked her and bowed a little to my mom. She nodded her head and kept smiling at us.

"School was fine. Just that some kids decided to bully some other kids and guess what? I stood up for them and gave them words of quantity." She said with boldness.

Words of quantity? I chuckled and dropped her.

"That is nice. Giving them words of quantity is quite okay." I said with a grimace. She smiled.

"Come on, we are about to have dinner. Come and join." She said and dragged me towards the dining table.

"And yes, Mom by the way, I was told that Ryan is in town." I told my mother and she stopped to look at me.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes, he came recently but the weird thing is that he is yet to visit me and I don't know where he is." I said to her.

"Demetrius, you worked so hard to get to where you are today, I don't think you should worry about Ryan since he is quite older than you. And besides, there are some people you should stay away from. I think from what Emery did, you would have learnt your lesson." She said and I frowned at that name.

"Mother, I know who my enemies and friends are. And besides, Ryan and I have been on good grounds since these years. As you said, stay in your place. Don't form ugly bonds. Well, I kinda did that with Emery and I would say I regret it." I said.

"Will you guys eat and stop talking about these boring things." Maureen interrupted the conversation. And I was grateful for it.

"Just be careful around him is all I will say." She said with a sigh and went to sit.

I breathed out and sat down. I seriously don't know what my mother is guiding against. But I have to be cautious and always at alert.

~Ophelia's POV~

"So you mean to tell me that your boss gave you so much trouble." Kelly asked me with an amused look. I nodded my head positively.

"Yes, just as soon as I was resuming for the day. He told me that he wanted me to get him coffee. Like coffee? I was like 'am I his secretary or worker in his office?' I finally agreed and went around the company but found none. Like it was crazy." I said and shook my head.

"I am really tired." I said and gulped down the water. She walked towards me.

"You know there is no place that one is that one will not face challenges, it is up to us as to how we will face it." She said and patted me on the shoulder. I nodded my head with a faint smile.

"You would show him that you are not going to give up because of that."

"Do you want to know the funniest part of it all, he asked me to leave his office and also tell the Secretary to tell me to leave. Like I don't understand him. Does he hate me? Does he want me to pay for the insults I hauled at him. Yes, it should be that." I said.

Gosh, I am really thinking about it too much.

I really need to figure him out. But that does not mean I won't stand up to him if he tries to mistreat me.

"Anyways, forget about it. I know how to deal with it." I dismissed Kelly who was about to say something.

"It is late in the night already. Let's sleep early." Kelly said and we both climbed the bed. She drew up and bed sheets and I turned off the lights.

I breathed out and several thoughts ran through my head at the faint light the moon was emitting. I could not sleep.

I was baffled.

Don't ask why. I also don't know.

I swallowed lightly and forced my eyes closed.

**Next Morning**

I stared at myself in the mirror before me. Kelly and I had woken quite early and she was busy making us breakfast as she is the one taking the culinary class at least. I smiled and walked out of the room then towards the small living room.

"So what are you cooking?" I asked.

"What else apart from coffee and pancakes?" I rolled my eyes.

"Make it snappy." I hissed and went to sit on the little couch.

**Some Minutes Later**

"Hey, be careful. The coffee is quite hot." Kelly said as she handed it over to me. I nodded my head and sipped a little. It almost burnt my tongue. I licked my lips.

I blew some air over it and soon started sipping little by little till I drank it.

"Let's go." I said and we both carried our bags.

Just as we got outside, Kelly already called her usual cab man to come pick her. I waved at her and awaited another cab to pass by.

I soon sighted one and I signalled at it. It soon drove straight before me.

I passed him the address and he nodded his head. I rested my body.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds before opening to see the greenery around. Soon after, I saw the usual tall and always standing building of DMT.

"We already arrived." The driver alerted me and I nodded my head before stepping out.

Let's get ready for whatever task my so-called boss will bring for me today.

I exhaled, trying to relieve my tense muscles.

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