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~Demetrius' POV~

I halted to a stop as soon as I heard that annoying lady's voice.

What happened?

Why is she yelling like that?

I signaled to one of the bodyguards that they should go check. When I saw that the person was not walking fast. I picked my heels and walked faster.

Then I saw this horrible sight that had me enraged. I gritted my teeth and went towards them. I pulled the guy from her and started landing punches on him.

Son of a b*tch. How dare he?!

I continued to land punches on his face that blood was already oozing. I was losing control but why?

One of the bodyguards came towards me and dragged him from me. He kept talking nonsense.

"Call the cops," I ordered with a hard face.

I looked at Ophelia was still lying there with her hands placed over her face. "You can come out," I said.

She slowly brought her hands off her face and then I saw that her shirt's button kind of slipped off and her cleavage was showing. I cleared my throat and looked away immediately.

I am not a pervert. At least.

She seemed to notice this. She sat up and adjusted her dress. "Thank you, Sir," she said and I looked at her.

Fingers' mark on her cheek. My hands moved on their own accord and I was about to touch her face when I caught hold of myself.

What was I about to do?

I don't care about her.

I only care about the fact that he was maltreating a worker of mine. And besides, what is the relationship between them by the way?

"He hit you on the face?" I pointed out and she nodded.

The cops soon arrived after a while and they dragged Jeremy away. I looked at Ophelia.

"Follow me." That was all I said.

The bodyguard pulled the door open and I entered while she entered with reluctance.

"Tell him the direction of your house," I said to her.

                                   * * *

~Third Person POV~

He walked into the police station with a stone, hard face. He was twitching with anger. He was trying to keep at bay but he slowly hoped that he would successfully does it.

As he got to the counter and he met two officers that were busy chatting there, oblivious of his arrival. "How may we help you, sir?" The officer at the counter asked him.

"I would love to have an audience with Jeremy Maxwell." He said. The two officers looked at him with skepticism.

"Visiting hours are over." They said and turned to what they were saying.

"I know that, right? I said I would love to see him. Just five minutes..." He said. That five minutes alone is way too much for him to do what he wanted to do. The officers looked between each other and they nodded their heads in agreement.

"Just five minutes." The officer said again. He nodded his head.

He sat down in the waiting room and rough-looking Jeremy staggered towards him. He forced his face up to look at him.

"Who are you?" Jeremy's voice came out choked that he had to cough out, bringing some blood out. He then sat down.

He looked around and saw that the officers that were standing close to them were not watching them. Jeremy kind of became self-conscious about this strange man that sat in front of him.

"I said who are you?" He asked again. The man faced him with a smirk that had his skin crawl.

"You hurt her." He growled menacingly with dark eyes. Sweats began to drip down Jeremy's forehead.

"How dare you lay a finger on her? You... You even hit her... And I say, you will regret it... I promise you..." And with that said, the man stood up and left him. Jeremy almost peed on himself with that threat.

Who is he?

What was he doing here by the way?

"Time to go back in." One of the officers said and they took him in while he had his eyes on the exit. The man stood there with a smirk that made shivers run down his spine. He forced his gaze away from the place and went into the cell.

Does he regret what he did?

Well, it was true. He did miss her.

Her innocence. Her naivety and her bright smile.

His lips pulled up into a smile as he reminisced on their past.

~Ophelia's POV~

"It's here," I said to the driver. He parked the car and I carried my bag.

"Thank you, sir," I said to him as I stepped out of the car. He nodded his head without looking at me. I took that as a sign and walked towards the building. The driver ignited the car's engine and drove off.

Then my phone's message alert beeped with a sound. I looked at it.

"Don't bother coming to the office tomorrow, go to the clinic for your check-up." -Demetrius.

I managed to smile. So my boss can be so affectionate and caring. Then my phone beeped again.

"Don't think too hard, I don't want my secretary to look like someone that got beaten up for stealing a teddy bear." - Demetrius.

I scoffed. Just when I was about to think so good of him, he just broke himself into that unbearable man again.

I exhaled and walked into the building. It was already late in the night. Just as soon as I climbed through the numerous staircases, I saw Kelly standing outside there with her face... She was sad.


I hastened my steps towards her.

"Kelly," I called out and she faced me with tears rolling out of her eyes like a river. I held her hands and she did the most shocking thing ever. She snatched her hands away and hit me on my face. My eyes swerved to the left instantly. It hurts.

Why is today a day that slaps are meant for me?

I never really planned my day like this?

Tears glistened my eyes.

"How can you do this without telling me?" She yelled out at me.

How can I do what?

She found out already?

No, she cannot. I will be in hot soup.

"How could you not tell me that that motherfvcking son of a b*tch is in town?" She yelled.

How did she know that Jeremy was in town?

"And who is this person?" I asked her. She swallowed lightly and looked nervous.

"Care to explain how you knew that Jeremy was in town already?" I asked her again with my eyebrows raised and my arms akimbo, trying to make sure that my anger does not go higher than it is right now.

"He sent me a message and besides, I am sorry. I did it out of rage. I thought you went to see him, that is why I was angry. After all what he did... I..."

"It's okay but that slap hurts." I said and rubbed my cheek.

"Sorry." She said with a small smile that did not reach her face.

Why do I get the feeling that she is hiding something from me?

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