Chapter 4

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I walked over to my car, which thankfully wasn't too far today, and got in the driver's seat. I turned the car on and took out my phone. As my phone connected to the car, I opened Spotify and hit shuffle play. The drive to work was uneventful. I parked the car with 6 minutes to spare before my shift started. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail, leaving a few strands out to frame my face. My makeup needed a bit of extra blending and love, so I worked on it with my fingers for a couple of minutes before heading inside.

I got into the break room and saw Garret at the table on his phone, "Hey," I smiled at him. He was a chef, but also super chill. We got along well.

"Hey Lee-Lee," He didn't look up from his phone, he was probably on a break. I still had 3 minutes before my shift started so I put my bag into my locker and went to the bathroom. I was in such a rush on the way to work, I didn't even pee before I left the house. After I was done in the restroom, I clocked in and made my way to the kitchen.

"Thank god, the lunch rush started early today," Carly said as she was putting food orders up.

"Yeah, I noticed it was kind of busy out there," I said as she grabbed some trays, I began to wash my hands, "Want me to take one of those out for you on my way?"

"Thank you! That last tray is table 7. You can just take your usual tables, Tiff has your side right now. So, I would see whose orders she hasn't gotten yet," Carly said as she walked out onto the floor. 'Great.' I thought. Tiffany and I didn't ever get along well. She tended to slack off and flirt with customers, even when we were really busy. Not to mention, her attitude sucked. It pissed me off.

I took the tray out to the table and handed the customers their plates. Tiffany walked by without a word, back into the kitchen. I made sure the guests were satisfied and followed quickly after her, "Hey," I said as I walked over towards her in the kitchen, "What tables need orders taken?"

"I mean, you could just see based on the papers over here and who doesn't have food yet," She said snarkily as she pinned up the orders she had just taken.

"Listen, I'm not about to waste 2 whole minutes on fucking recon when you could just let me know what's up really quick," I snapped back.

"I'm going on my break," She smiled and left the kitchen.

'That fucking bitch.' I took a deep breath, shaking it off. I started looking through the orders that were already listed in the kitchen before making my way back out to the floor, scanning who already had food.

"Hello, I'm Kyleigh. I'll be your server, what can I get started for you?" I asked the only table that hadn't been helped yet. They told me what they wanted and I took the orders back, grabbing a tray on my way out of the kitchen to the other customers. I couldn't help but wish I worked at a more modern establishment, with the electronic kiosks and digital menus. It sure would've made my job easier.

My day continued on like that for a couple of hours, Tiffany and I steered clear of each other and it went smoothly. Before I knew it, it was time for my first break. I had just decided to sit in the break room. I slid my phone out of my pocket. While checking my notifications, I didn't see anything that was important. So, I just sat back and watched snapchat stories as I sipped on some water.

I was about to stand up, since my break had just ended when Tiffany walked into the break room, "I'm about to clock out so leave. Your break is already over."

"Alright dude, what is your problem?" I asked, standing up and putting my phone away.

"I don't have a problem," She was tapping the buttons on the time clock.

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