Chapter 16

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Reese walked towards us and Isaiah stood up, "Aye! She got good taste in company!"

"What's up!" They did a little bro hug and started laughing.

"You know each other?" I asked.

"We go way back," Reese smiled at me, "When I looked at your message I immediately thought about inviting him."

"Good thing you don't have to," I immediately lit up my second joint.

"Yeah, what you two been up to?" Reese asked, standing in front of the stairs looking at me.

"We've just been chillin, smoking," Isaiah was standing next to him.

"Waiting for you," I smiled.

"I feel the love," Reese put his hand over his heart, faking endearment.

I rolled my eyes as Isaiah chimed in again, "I didn't even know it would be you. She was like 'I'm waiting for someone' so I hit her with the, 'lemme keep you company'."

Reese smacked his shoulder, "No way it worked, she shot your ass down."

"You know she did," Isaiah looked at me.

"Hit you with the rulebook?" Reese looked at me too.

I shrugged, laughing, "At least I'm consistent."

We all talked and laughed for a while. Reese eventually sparked the blunt up and we rotated it around along with the joint.

"So wait, you actually have a boyfriend now?" Reese was wide eyed when it came up.

"He's not my boyfriend," I inhaled, "But like, kind of."

"I never thought I'd see the day, you've been single for years," He shook his head, "How did he finesse the rule book?"

"He's been in my life for 9 years, he dead ass helped me create the rulebook. We've lived together for 5 years almost," I exhaled. 'So much for not talking about him, right?'

"Lucky dude," Reese put out the end of the joint.

"You must have some high standards," Isaiah mentioned.

"Yeah, for real. Like if we're both too ugly for you then what the hell? Man must look like Zeus or some shit," Reese joked.

"No dead ass, a whole Greek god. The rulebook doesn't even apply to him," Isaiah laughed with him.

"No, it's not like that. Trust me, neither of you are ugly. I honestly think you're both very attractive, hella fine, 10 out of 10. I found myself thinking about being with both of you before! But, the rulebook. You know? Or else it probably would have happened," I half way defended myself, "But like-"

"Excuse me," Judah's voice came from behind the boys. They both stepped aside and he walked past them, glancing at me with a scowl. My eyes were wide. He walked up the stairs past me. 'Why isn't he at work?'

"Dead ass though? That's a shame. I would've shown you a great time," Reese flirted. Isaiah smacked his shoulder, whispering something under his breath to him. I whipped my head around to see Judah opening the door and slamming it behind him. I just sat still, unsure of what to do. 'Shit.' I understood how everything must look and sound in the situation. Reese and Isaiah were whispering to each other. I sat there buffering.

"Is that him?" Isaiah asked.

I turned to face them and hit the blunt, nodding, "I gotta go."

I handed it to Reese and stood up as I chugged my drink. Isaiah finished his too and handed me the cup he had, "I'm sorry, man. That timing was shit too. I can talk to him if-"

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