Chapter 3. And So, We Meet Again

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The moment I opened my eyes, I was greeted by a quaint ceiling. I instantly surged from the bed, and that's when I realised that there was a group of women crowded around me. There were six of them, all wearing a black dress and a chiffon apron, and a white headdress. Are they maids?

"Belle!" The redhead with notable freckles exclaimed. "You're finally awake!"

"How do you feel?" The black-haired woman with slanted eyes asked. "You were unconscious for three days. Do you remember what happened?"

My eyes roamed around in bafflement. Where exactly am I? Who are these people? No, more importantly… Aren't I supposed to be dead? My body was literally bursting in flames just a while ago! How come I'm still alive? This doesn't make any sense!

I examined my limbs and touched my face. I don't seem to have any burns at all.

"Huh?" I blurted out while staring at my hands.

What the… They look way bigger than they're supposed to be? These aren't the hands of a five-year old at all! These are the hands of a grown ass woman who had tried sticking a finger inside her butthole at least once! In my past life, I admit that I did, but not in this world! Whose hands are these?!

"Belle, get it together!" One of the women shook my shoulders. "Do you know who I am?"

"Jesus, is that you?" I nervously answered.

"I don't know who Jesus is, but it's definitely not me." The redhead cupped my face. "I'm Leila."

"Doesn't ring a bell to me." I confessed.

All of them exchanged worried looks.

"Oh, dear. The poor girl must've hit her head so hard." The middle-aged woman who seemed to be the oldest here commented. "Isabelle must be in shock, so let's give her some space. Leila, go enlighten her about the recent events."

"Yes, Ma'am!" The redhead answered enthusiastically, even making a salute.

I charily watched the rest of the maids as they left the room one by one. Well, they don't seem like bad people, but I can't be too sure yet.

The girl named Leila, who was left alone with me inside the room, suddenly burst into sobs.

"Belle, do you know how worried I was?!" She hugged me so tight that I could barely breathe. Jesus, I can feel her snot all over my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, but I have no idea who you are."

"It's okay." She hugged me tightly. "Even if the mind forgets, the heart always remember."

Girl, I hate to break it to you but I'm pretty sure my heart doesn't know shit about you either.

I pulled away from the hug. "Excuse me, can you please bring me a mirror?" I politely asked her.

Leila fulfilled my request with much zeal, stepping away for a moment and returning immediately with a mirror. As soon as she displayed the mirror in front of my face, the reflection that I saw had me surprised. It's still me, but… an adult version?

My blonde hair and azure eyes were still there, but my overall appearance was no longer that of a child. My legs were longer, so that made me taller than before. I also got fat… in the right places, I guess? To make sure that I have indeed become an adult, I grabbed and squeezed my breasts with my own hands. Gosh, they've gotten so big!

Leila shot me a horrified look. "W-What are you doing, Belle?"

I faked a cough. Right. She's here, too. Can't have her thinking that I'm a pervert.

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