54 | goodbyes

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THE BODYGUARD STANDING in front of the door has to be the most intimidating person I've ever seen. He stands a whole foot taller than me with his feet apart and he's sturdy enough that one flick of his finger to my forehead could send me to the ER.

But I'm not fazed. I don't even care how built he is because my insides are thrumming with nerves and excitement. My favorite band in the world, aside from The Beatles, are right behind that door and I'll be dammed if I let a human action figure stop me from going in.

We couldn't push our way in here because there's a crowd outside that are aware of their private performance so we had to follow another way in with a lesser crowd. I didn't think we'd meet security but alas, here we are. I flick my wrist towards The Rock, like the rest of us do and he scrutinizes them closely because apparently, there have been people trying to get in with fake wristbands. He takes his time and then he grunts, pushing his black sunglasses further up the bridge of his nose before ripping our tickets in half and letting us in.

Cass wheels Ellie in first and then the rest of us follow behind. It's like a cinema inside except much smaller with lesser seats. It's a VIP performance so it contains about twenty to thirty people at most. Once we take our seats, the lights in the hall darken and a man who I assume to be the host, appears on the stage and prepares us for their appearance. He tells us they'll be right in front of us in five minutes while the bodyguard lets other people in.

"Flynn Cauley," I say, tapping his shoulder until he looks at me. "I know we just recently started dating but today is the day, I officially cheat on you."

He blinks. "What?"

Ellie sighs and leans towards her brother. "What she means is, once the lead guitarist, Austin Rivers, steps on that stage, she's going to deny you. At least, until the show's over."

"I'd honestly do the same if I had someone I was dating," Cass says and Amanda agrees. "Have you seen those hands? I'd trade places with his guitar any day, any time."

Flynn covers Ellie's ears. "My sister's 14."

Ellie grins and leans away from him. "No need to worry. I've seen and heard it all."

"Not to sound like a stalker or anything, but I have never, I mean never, missed any of his lives. Especially when he gets a new tattoo." Amanda whispers, her voice getting lower with every word.

Cass nods excitedly and clutches my arm. "I heard that there's a chance he might take off his shirt tonight."

Flynn scowls as he places a hand over my mouth before I can let out a squeal.

Khalid raises a hand. "I'm uncomfortable."

"The drummer's hot," Carter says, joining our conversation. "But she doesn't fancy guys in that way."

"I'd be gay for her though," Amanda says placing a hand on her chest. "Just saying."

"Agreed." Cass and I laugh at the same time.

"Why is no-one talking about Shawn or Peter? I think they're cool too."

I tune out of the conversation when my phone pings with a text. I tap on the screen to see a message request from Facebook. I haven't opened my Facebook in a while but out of the excitement I'm feeling already from today's show, I tap on the app and see that's it a request from Darren Pryce.

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