Chapter 3

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Joongie:1 years old

Sangie:1 and a half

San:2 and a half

Woo:2 and a half

Third person PoV:

It was morning and everyone had woken up to two rambunctious twins, with Jongho and Mingi hot on their tails, Seonghwa and Yunho were trying to calm down a 1 year old Joongie and a 1 and a half year old Sangie.

Seonghwa and Yunho decided to change them, Seonghwa changed Joongie's diaper, whilst Yunho was changing Sangie in to age appropriate gear.

Once they were changed, Seonghwa and Yunho then took them downstairs for breakfast. Sangie had calmed down, whilst Joongie was whimpering as his precious sleep was disturbed.

When they got to the kitchen, they saw Mingi and Jongho running around the table as the rambunctious twins wouldn't sit down, so Seonghwa sat Joongie down on to the couch in the living room and went to grab another high chair, originally for Sangie, but seeing as the twins were being rambunctious Seonghwa figured that they could sit in the high chairs, whilst Joongie and Sangie could sit on one of their laps.

"Jongho, Mingi, once you've caught them, you can place the twins in the high chairs, they can keep the twins still, and Joongie and Sangie can just sit in one of our laps"

"Ok Hwa" they said at the same time.

Jongho and Mingi caught the twins and then placed them in the high chairs and strapped them in, but obviously the twins wouldn't make it easy for them so of course there was struggle, but in the end, the caregivers were victorious.

Breakfast was served, Mingi fed Joongie as he was on his Dada's (Mingi) lap and Sangie was being fed by his Appa (Jongho) as he was on his lap, breakfast went as smoothly as it could but obviously not without mess, most of it caused by the twins, which called for a bath for all the littles.

Mingi and Jongho bathed Joongie and Sangie together in one bathroom, whilst Yunho and Seonghwa took Woo and Sannie to the other bathroom to bathe them together.

Mingi and Jongho had an easy time as Joongie and Sangie like baths, so theirs was over rather quickly and they were now playing together in the playroom with some big toys and some soft blocks, which had to stop Joongie from trying to eat.

Seonghwa and Yunho however had a harder time as the twins hate baths so it took a lot of effort. The first challenge was actually getting them to the bathroom as there were many tantrums on the way. Seonghwa filled up the bathtub, whilst Yunho kept the twins in the bathroom and undressed them so they could get in to the bath, it was painful but after many tantrums they finally got the twins in to the bath, getting them out was also difficult, so they asked Jongho for help, which he easily agreed.

They got the twins out so they could dry them, place pull ups on them so that they had no accidents and put some comfy clothes on them, all of which the twins threw a tantrum during the process.

In the end it ended up with the twins in time out, they each had 1 plushie with them, San was extremely upset for being put in time out even though him and Woo did throw 3 tantrums, so Jongho went up to him and gave him his paci in hoping it would calm him down as he was crying his eyes out (They were given 15 minutes time out, it was 5 minutes in that San was wailing).

J-"Sannie, you're still staying in time out, but I'm giving you your paci (San only really uses it at night and not during the day, but he may get it when he's upset and won't calm down or when he is smaller) "

However San shook his head, he didn't want his paci he just wanted to get out of time out.

"Sannie, it will calm you down, come on"

San finally accepted it and started to calm down, Jongho then went back to the others.

Woo however was just throwing an even bigger tantrum for being in time out, so they just added time on to his time out.

Once 15 minutes was over, San was allowed out of time out, so he went over to Yunho and snuggled up with him, however Wooyoung ended up having a 30 minute time out because he was throwing a tantrum whilst in time out.

Even after 30 mins was up Wooyoung was given another 30 mins however it was crib arrest and an early bedtime, he was placed in Joongie's crib as Joongie is the only one who sleeps in a proper crib, the others have rails on their bed that can be risen a little bit higher if they slip younger so they don't fall out of bed.

Once 30 mind was up Wooyoung had finally stopped throwing his tantrum and was now with the rest of his family and playing with Sannie.

Soon it became lunchtime and boy were they starving, the littles were eating Mac and Cheese, whilst the caregivers had some fancy sandwiches, the twins were sat in the high chairs again whilst Joongie and Sangie were on Seonghwa's and Jongho's laps.

The mess was less then this morning so it didn't require so it didn't require for another bath, the caregivers went to take the littles upstairs for a nice nap with full tummies.

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